Air-Q3® Supraglottic Airway - AirLife
It provides safety and confidence in airway management, no matter the challenges faced. Unique ET tube ramp and epiglottis elevator aid in fast, easy, and safe intubations. Removable tethered connector enables insertion of endotracheal tube through airway tube. Max. ETT. This Item is Part of AirLife Secure!
Air-Q3 | AirLife
Our unique intubating laryngeal airway includes an epiglottis elevator and raised heel to optimize airway placement and seal. Features an extra wide gastric inlet access and two gastric channels that accomodate NG tubes up to 18 Fr. Also includes a self-pressurizing cuff that utilizes positive pressure ventilatory source.
Air-Q3 Sp3G Intubating Laryngeal Airway | Life-Assist
The new, all-silicone, advanced Air-Q3 sp3G laryngeal airway helps deliver safety and confidence in airway management. The unique ET tube ramp and epiglottis elevator assist with fast, easy and safe intubations. The Air-Q3 Sp3G with auto cuff uses positive pressure ventilation to self-pressurize the cuff. Uh oh. Something went wrong!
Air-Q3 Series by Salter Labs - Med Alliance Group
All models are latex-free, single-patient use and disposable. Each model is available in the following sizes: 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Click here for additional specifications. Extra wide gastric inlet access. Two gastric channels that accommodate NG tubes up to 18Fr. Uses positive pressure ventilation to self-pressurize the cuff.
Air-Q3 Neonatal Sizes - AirLife
Air-Q®3 for infants delivers trusted airway management performance. Air-Q3, the second generation of the Air-Q, advances supraglottic airway management now with enhanced features. Design improvements in the epiglottis elevator, self-pressuring mask, endotracheal tube ramp, facilitate rapid, easy, safe airway placement.
Self-pressurized air-Q® intubating laryngeal airway versus the LMA ...
2018年2月6日 · The air-Q SP had similar leak pressures but a faster insertion time and superior bronchoscopic viewing grade when compared with the LMA Classic. The air-Q SP is a suitable alternative to the LMA Classic in adult patients and may be a superior conduit for tracheal intubation. www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02206438). Registered 1 August 2014.
Air-Q intubating laryngeal airway: A study of the second …
Air-Q intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILA) is used as a supraglottic airway device and as a conduit for endotracheal intubation. This study aims to assess the efficacy of the Air-Q ILA regarding ease of insertion, adequacy of ventilation, rate of successful intubation, haemodynamic response and airway morbidity.
The air-Q(®) intubating laryngeal airway vs the LMA-ProSeal(TM) : …
We performed a prospective, open-label, randomised controlled trial comparing the air-Q (®) against the LMA-ProSeal™ in adults undergoing general anaesthesia. One hundred subjects (American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status 1-3) presenting for elective, outpatient surgery were randomly assigned to 52 air-Q (®) and 48 ProSeal devices.
800-433-2797 www.Sun-Med.com AIRWAY ANAGEMENTAIRWAY ANAGEMENT LIT-10078 Rev. 4 3 Size 0 Size 0.5 Size 1.0 Size 1.5 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5
pressure and PEEP levels. Features a self-pressurizing cuf with an extra wide gastric inlet that accommodate NG tubes up to 18 Fr.