Academic Intervention Services | New York State Education Department
The provision of academic intervention services (AIS) is intended to increase achievement for students who are struggling to meet the New York State Learning Standards, as evidenced by …
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1. What are academic intervention services? Academic intervention services (AIS) are services standards in English language arts and mathematics grades 4-12. These services include two …
AIS: A Guide to Academic Intervention Services - NYSUT
2011年4月14日 · What are academic intervention services (AIS)? How does a student become eligible for academic intervention services and when should they start? What is the 'state …
Academic Intervention Services in Mathematics - KNILT
2021年11月3日 · accurately describe and understand what AIS services are, what they require and why we need them in mathematics classrooms. create and design effective AIS instruction …
What Are AIS Teachers? - The Classroom
2019年5月17日 · The Academic Intervention Services, or AIS, program implemented in New York state aims to provide assistance to students who are experiencing difficulty in language arts, …
Highlights of the AIS Regulations Section 100.2(ee) of the Commissioner’s Regulations requires AIS to be provided to students in Grades 3 - 8 who: Score below the State designated …
AIS Mathematics Instruction - KNILT
2012年5月11日 · Individual Topic Practice For those of us in the math world, we know that math is a subject which builds on itself. The math students learn in elementary school is used in …
FMS Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in Math
2020年10月8日 · AIS Math instruction is designed to address individual student weaknesses in mathematics. Our goals as teachers are to identify and strengthen these weaknesses to help …
Math AIS groups typically meet for 30 minutes 2-3 times per week in the math room during their grade-level pull-out hour (D.I.P.). How do children become part of the Math AIS Program? …