Study Business, Hospitality, IT, Tourism and English in NZ
Established in 1990, Auckland Institute of Studies is one of New Zealand’s largest independent degree-granting institutions. You will benefit from studying one of a wide range of NZQA-approved qualifications, including diploma and degree programmes in business , hospitality management , information technology (IT), business administration and ...
Study at AIS Auckland New Zealand | Auckland Institute of Studies | AIS
AIS offers a broad range of attractively-priced degree and diploma education programmes and expert personalised learning for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Whether you’re looking for a beginner English course or a Master’s degree, our mission is to help, guide and support you from the moment you apply to study at AIS, until you ...
Our Programmes | Auckland Institute of Studies - AIS
AIS offers a broad range of programmes from beginner’s English through to master’s degree qualifications. Our undergraduate and postgraduate students experience expert, personalised education, and the learning and development of each student is guided by qualified staff who are committed to helping students achieve success.
在新西兰AIS奥克兰学习| 奥克兰研究所| AIS
所有ais计划均经过新西兰资格认证局(nzqa)的批准和认可,以确保您获得的ais资格得到全世界的认可。 AIS是获得NZQA认证的顶级1类提供商 ,这意味着您可以在学习的每个阶段都放心。
在ais,您将从小班授课中体验到专业个性化教育。 无论是来自新西兰还是海外,与我们一起学习,您都将获得感到舒适和自信所需的一切 - 确保您在完成资格认证后能够取得成功。
Auckland Institute of Studies - Wikipedia
Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS) (formerly AIS St Helens; Māori: Te Whare Wānanga ki Hato Herena) is the leading privately owned tertiary institute in Auckland, New Zealand. AIS was established in 1990, in Auckland's Downtown shopping centre.
在新西兰留学的国际和研究生| 奥克兰研究所| AIS
相关地点. 28a Linwood Avenue Mt Albert,奥克兰. 120 Asquith Avenue Mt Albert,奥克兰. 电话号码 +64 9 815 1717 (仅限新西兰)0800 788 392
MBA - Master of Business Administration | Auckland Institute of …
Internationally-recognised business qualification. A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the most internationally-recognised business qualification in the world. It is a professional degree in business management based on a practical programme with theoretical, applied and …
奥克兰商学院 - 百度百科
AIS奥克兰商学院(Auckland Institute of Studies)是新西兰最大的私立高等教育机构之一,拥有工商管理,商科,酒店管理,信息技术,旅游管理和英语语言六个科系。 奥克兰商学院被新西兰学历评估局(NZQA)认证为一类教育机构。 该校是中国教育部教育涉外监管信息网和留学服务中心推荐的新西兰私立院校之一,还是留学服务中心 SQA HND 项目组官方合作院校之一。 学院拥有两个校区,图书馆藏书丰富,设施完备。 学生可在图书馆免费借阅书籍,免费使用电脑、完成作 …
Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS) - LinkedIn
Private international institute offering MBA, MIT, Bachelor's, Graduate Diplomas, NZ Diplomas and English programmes. WELCOME TO AIS - NZQA CATEGORY 1 PROVIDER Established in 1990, Auckland...