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AIT Alumni Information
Present Name (as reflected in passport): Ms. Xiao Yi : First Degree from AIT: Graduated from School/Division: School of Management Program/Field of Study: Business Administration - DBA Degree: Doctor of Business Administration : Graduation Year: 2024: Graduation Month: 5: Second Degree from AIT: Graduated from School/Division: ...
Xiao YI_Synthetic Biology - SIAT
2021年8月24日 · Dr. Yi Xiao, researcher and doctoral supervisor of Institute of synthetic biology, Shenzhen Institute of advanced technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the past five years, Dr. Yi has published as corresponding author in such journals as Science Advances, eLife, Molecular Biology and Evolution.
师从明尼苏达大学分子进化学家Antony Dean教授,学习种群遗传学及生态学。 博士期间与导师合作,发展了一套关于生物多样性的新理论并通过实验提供证据:传统认为对生物多样性形成不重要的季节变化其实能够很好的解释物种共存。 博士后期,对生命现象的物理和分子机制发生兴趣,尝试独立探索进化过程和功能机制的关系。 最终成功构建实验系统,捕捉到一个新行为的起源并阐明机制,为研究行为进化提供了一种新思路。 博士后期间,兴趣延申到工程应用:何如利用进 …
Hojae Yi - Google Scholar
Part 1: Round and angular monosize and binary mixtures. Measurement of bulk mechanical properties and modeling the load-response of rootzone sands. Part 2: Effect of moisture on continuous sand...
易小艺 - 百度百科
易小艺,男,博士,教授,研究生导师, 博士生导师,现任职于 中南大学。 [1] 2011- 教授,博导,化学化工学院,中南大学. 2010-11 副教授,化学化工学院,中南大学. 2007-10 博士后,化学系, 香港科技大学. 2003-07 博士研究生,化学系,香港科技大学. 2000-03 硕士研究生, 配位化学国家重点实验室,南京大学. 1994-98 本科,食品科学与工程系, 天津科技大学 业 [1] 配位化学、催化、无机合成、光电材料 [1] [1] Ho-Yuen Ng a, Ngai-Man Lam a, Min Yang b, Xiao-Yi Yi b, …
Yi Xiao - WHU
Yi Xiao is a Ph.D. candidate at Wuhan University, under the supervision of Prof. Qiangqiang Yuan (袁强强) and Liangpei Zhang (张良培). He received his B.S. degree from the China University of Geoscience and Huazhong University of Science and Technology and his M.S. degree from Wuhan University.
Xiao-Yi - ORCID
ORCID record for Xiao-Yi Yi. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Xiao Yi - Google Scholar
The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the …
Xiao Yi - Loop
Loop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations.
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