AIUB Bus-Econ Working Paper Series (ABEWPS)
The office has successfully launched the AIUB Bus-Econ Working Paper Series and collaborated it with the RePEC and EconPapers. A total of 39 working papers have already been published in the working paper series. The papers can be obtained from the …
Collaboration of AIUB Bus Econ WP Series and RePEC
AIUB is the first university (public and private) in Bangladesh to collaborate the working paper series with RePEC. Initially all research articles submitted for the upcoming issues of AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE) can be considered for publication in …
16th Convocation – Transport (Bus) Service | AIUB
2016年2月10日 · Buses will leave from Banani Rail Station (Kakoli) from 7.30 AM upto 8.00 AM on a first come first serve basis. Students and their guests will require to show their invitation card to board on the buses. Each bus will stop for 5 minutes in front of Nikunjo (Lotus Kamal Tower).
AIUB Bus Econ Working Paper Series, American International …
AIUB-BUS-ECON-2008-15 Key Success Factors for Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs)-Case Study Conducted on Selected Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh by Bikash Barua & M.M. Obaidul Islam
Home | AIUB
Welcome to the diverse and dynamic world of research at the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). Our institution is committed to fostering innovation, advancing knowledge, and making a meaningful impact on society through cutting …
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AIUB Bus Econ Working Paper Series, No 2008-21, http://orp.aiub.edu/abewps-2008 An Empirical Study of the Relationship between the Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Price: A Study on DSE 2
Where Leaders Are Created | American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB) is a government approved private university founded in 1994 by Dr. Anwarul Abedin. The university is an independent organization with its own Board of Trustees.
AIUBは、 バングラデシュクリケット協会 [30] [3] [31] と バングラデシュサッカー連盟 [32] [4] の公式教育パートナーです。 AIUBは2017年2月に2度目の成績評価システムを更新した。 [33] 新しい成績評価システムは、2016-17年春学期以降に入学した学生に適用されます。 古い成績評価システムは、2016-17年秋学期以前に入学した学生に引き続き適用されます。 文字の成績は、対応する成績ポイントで完了したコースワークの質を示します。 [34] AIUBの学部および大学院 …
American International University-Bangladesh - Wikipedia
AIUB is also the first institute in Bangladesh to launch an online working paper series named AIUB Bus Econ Working Paper Series, [46] which collaborated with the RePEc [47] and EconPapers. [48]
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Sales-Turnover turn to be a Competitive Advantage to the Marketer and Customer? AIUB Bus Econ Work-ing Paper Series, No 2008-09, http://orp.aiub.edu/abewps-2008