Because the AJ37 Continues to suffer from bad loadouts, here ... - Reddit
2021年11月13日 · Conclusion: To sum up, the AJ37 was a massive disappointment and smack in the face for Swedish players who requested a high BR CAS option for so long. These interesting choices by gaijin can still be fixed, however, and Sweden could get a very capable attack aircraft to support Sweden's very nice 11.0 lineup.
AJ37 | War Thunder Wiki
The AJ37 was the ground attack variant of the SAAB 37 Viggen. The aircraft received precision guided ground weaponry, like RB 04 Anti-Ship missiles and RB 05 air to surface missiles, which will later be replaced by the AGM-65 Maverick for dealing with fortifications and enemy armour, the aircraft also received the ability to carry bombs and ...
J35D vs AJ37 vs MiG-21bis: which one to get first? - War Thunder
2024年6月25日 · While all are great planes, the AJ37 has 2 great missiles, with a good cannon and has access to flares with an airframe that is really competitive at its BR. In addition, you get access to ground strike ordnance, which makes it a decent CAS plane.
至于ja37系列的机体玩了就懂了,油耗逆天的同时推重比也不高,正常一把至少得带40分钟油起步。 转向时机头会莫名离轴,还是个掉速超人,1000速的时候转一圈半就差不多挂肉了,反正这个权重左右机体我认为是倒数的,唯一可以说的就是雷达好,然后得益于掉速快可以当第一圈瞬盘超人,和米格21有点类似. 37c以前就是和j7e一样在11.0的,性能我感觉比j7e还弱一点,结果这次他提了权重,j7e完全没变。
How is the aj37? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年7月3日 · Also the JA37C is better CAS than the AJ37. You can take rockets with CCIP, missiles, flares and your gun all at once. Its not the best CAS but it works for 2 ground kills and 2 air kills in one run
为了瑞典cas研发出来aj37,怎么有这么扭曲的飞机的【战争雷霆吧 …
你看看下面那台ajs37 喜欢我的小牛热诱9L三选一吗. 为了瑞典cas研发出..机体飞行性能ok,甚至是在10.3非常优秀。 还有个非常棒的雷达。 然而这个挂载是真抽象。 2发9j,没问题。 机炮,热诱二选一。 这? 炸战区配置机炮都没。 因为就2发导弹,击杀得靠机炮,但是你没曳光弹。
J35D vs AJ37 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年8月1日 · For pure ground i recommend the AJ37, Swedens Helis. The saab 105/sk60 are good but very expensive. I went for the AJ37 first, currently researching it, mainly to get into a Viggen asap and because I heard the Draken isn't very competitive atm, at least in AJ can do some ground pounding. Good luck mate, you'll likely need it.
Ja37C/D Overtierd? - Realistic Battle - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年9月14日 · Simple answer: the Swedish air force during the Cold War did not do CAS. Full stop. There was no CAS doctrine, the army had no forward air controllers (except maybe at the very tail end of the 1980s, when they started getting something vaguely similar), and the air force and the army did not exercise together.
北欧雷神——瑞典JA37战机小传 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
JA37“雷电”战机于1979年进入瑞典空军服役,接过前辈J35“龙”式战机的接力棒,为处于北约华约冷战对峙前沿的瑞典撑起一片和平天空。 “雷”式前奏曲. 萨博37“雷”式战机是瑞典空军为了替代萨博32“矛”式攻击机与萨博35“龙”式战斗机开发的一种一机多型战机,从一开始它的设计任务就包括制空,侦查,对地等多种要求。 在瑞典空军委员会的要求下,芬兰飞机设计师对包括三角翼,鸭翼,垂直起降,后掠翼的单发双发构型进行了概念设计,但其中一些概念例如垂直起降很快被枪 …
AJS37 | War Thunder Wiki
The AJS37 was a Swedish fighter-bomber aircraft which originated from the AJ37 due to a decision in 1992 to upgrade the AJ37, SH37, and SF37 to give them an extended service-life and limited JAS-capabilities. The majority of the upgrade was to the avionics in the Central Calculator, which received extensive modification.
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