Automatkarbin 5 - Wikipedia
The Ak 5 (Swedish: Automatkarbin 5 ⓘ, English: Automatic Carbine 5) is a license-built Swedish version of the Belgian FN FNC assault rifle, with certain modifications, mostly to adapt the weapon to the partially subarctic Swedish climate.
Automatkarbin 5 – Wikipedia
Ak 5 har anpassats och modifierats av Försvarets Materielverk för svenska behov och skiljer sig från grundkonstruktionen på flera punkter. Ak 5 utvecklades i början av 1980-talet och antogs av Försvarsmakten 1986.
AK5A | Gradus - contract interior solutions
Gradus AK5A is a rake back, single channel aluminium stair edging (nosing) with a 2mm gauge for use with resilient flooring. All insert colours are measured for LRVs to achieve a colour contrast that defines the step edge in line with BS 8300-2:2018 and ADM guidance. Suitable for interior and exterior contract environments. 10 year wear warranty.
Very rare carbines: The Ak 5D Police – CGA5 P and CGA5 C2
2016年12月14日 · Everyone who knows a little about the Swedish Army knows about the Ak5 (Automatkarbin 5, or Automatic carbine 5). The rifle is still in use, and backgrounds to the FNC 80 / FNC. The Ak 5D Police, or CGA5 P, is much less known. Taking the shorter Ak5 D version as a start, with the 10,2″ barrel, it was a special version for the Swedish Police.
AK5A - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio - QRZ.com
2024年11月28日 · AK5A USA. Login is required for additional detail. Email: Login required to view. Ham Member Lookups: 3189
接近开关LFM-AK5A-AC220V常开100℃在高炉水渣天车 ... - 网易
2025年1月3日 · LFM-AK5A接近开关具有较宽的工作温度范围,可以在-30℃到100℃的环境中稳定工作,适应高炉工况的苛刻要求。 同时,常开的设计使其在检测到目标物体靠近时,能够及 …
AK5A - YouTube
diy/indie stop-motion madness ️📸🎞️🎸
AK5A - Stair Edging NBS & Gradus Specification
2024年12月3日 · The NBS specification for AK5A, plus a detailed Gradus specification and profile description. Gradus offers a comprehensive range of Contract Interior Solutions including stair edgings & floor trims, carpet & vinyl flooring, barrier matting, wall …
ak5a - 芯片丝印反查 - 芯片丝印反查网 - smdmark.com
使用说明: · tlv3201aidbvr 丝印是 rai,直接输入 rai ,即可筛选出原来的型号 tlv3201aidbvr。. · mmbd7000lt1g 丝印是 m5c3 ,其中丝印是 m5c ,而 3 是标示批号13年的意思。 以丝印搜索的时候应该搜索m5c,便会显示原来的型号是mmbd7000lt1g。同样,通过搜索型号mmbd7000lt1g,也可以显示出来丝印是m5c。
AK5A-7035-F Part Number: AK5A-7035-F Applications: 10Gbps Absolute Maximum Ratings (T = 25°C): Parameter T Electro-optical Characteristics (T = 25°C, unless noted otherwise): Parameter Symbol Unit Min. Typ. Max. Test Condition Aperture D µm 35 Responsivity R A/W 0.7 0.85 λ = 1550 nm Dark Current I D nA 10 150 V R = 0.9 V B