Sharkoon - AK6 RGB - White
If you want a stylishly modern glass look for your hardware, then the AK6 RGB is just what you need! This eye-catching ATX case not only puts the focus on the hardware, but also on a good airflow. This is thanks to four pre-installed addressable RGB fans along with a specially designed intake of air through a side panel.
【心得】開箱 Sharkoon 德國旋剛 AK6 無A柱海景房 @電腦應用綜 …
2024年12月17日 · 進入海景房無a柱趨勢,旋剛也跟進第一款對應產品ak6 售價訂在2千左右且支援 ATX BTF 背插 + 側面I/O設計 以及附贈顯示卡支架,算是在這價位區間比較少見
【開箱】全景雙玻璃火力展示艙!Sharkoon AK6 RGB機殼。 - 原 …
簡單的黑白包裝設計,封面偌大的Sharkoon AK6 RGB字樣、機殼簡圖,並標示機殼重點特色,像是支援BTF背插主板,顯卡長度限制有41cm,I/O提供USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C、USB3.2 Gen1 Type-A。 側邊則是多國語言版機殼規格,也可以看到AK6 RGB有黑白雙版本,這回開箱的是黑色款喔。 本體登場,尺寸43.5*22.5*48.5cm (長*寬*高),因為沒有前後雙艙體設計,相對寬度就能縮減很多,機殼看上去也不會這麼大了。 透過兩面玻璃讓機殼內部一覽無遺,側邊內建風扇並在右側 …
旋剛 AK6 RGB 白 顯卡長41/CPU高17/全景玻璃透側/支援背插/ATX …
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Sharkoon Unveils AK6 RGB and MK6 RGB Case Series
2024年10月31日 · If you want a stylishly modern glass look for your hardware, then the AK6 RGB is just what you need! This eye-catching ATX case not only puts the focus on the hardware, but also on a good airflow. This is thanks to four pre-installed addressable RGB fans along with a specially designed intake of air...
Sharkoon AK6 RGB - YouTube
2024年10月30日 · If you want a stylishly modern glass look for your hardware, then the AK6 RGB is just what you need! This eye-catching ATX case not only puts the focus on the hardware, but also on a good...
Sharkoon introduces new AK6 and MK6 RGB PC cases
2024年11月1日 · These striking cases are designed with aesthetics and functionality in mind, allowing you to showcase your hardware while keeping it cool. Featuring up to four pre-installed ARGB fans, two...
競新資訊 x SOEASY電腦|旋剛 AK6 RGB 白 顯卡長41/CPU高17/全 …
🔴平日 周一至週五 早上 11:30 - 21:00。 🔴假日 周六 中午 12.00 - 20.00 周日固定公休。 因應業務繁忙,建議來店前致電詢問。 ⏰線上客服、全年365天不打烊不間斷,為大家服務。 ⏰國定連假日依粉專另行公告為主。 ⭕售後服務找我們最安心,擁有完善售後送修保固服務,若有需求請洽我們。 ⭕商品都是台灣代理商發出貨品,非水貨,品質有保證,請安心購買。 ⭕DIY組裝機/品牌套裝機皆享有零組件三年保、三年到府收送服務。 ⭕各品牌筆記型電腦保固依各家原廠為準,皆享有到 …
Sharkoon - AK6 RGB - Black
Questo accattivante case ATX non si concentra solo sull'hardware, ma anche su un buon flusso d'aria. Questo grazie a quattro ventole RGB addressable preinstallate e a una presa d'aria appositamente progettata attraverso un pannello laterale.
Airflow-Accommodating Glass Cases : ak6 rgb - TREND HUNTER
2024年11月1日 · It includes four pre-installed addressable RGB LED PWM fans, with three fans drawing air into the case through a specially designed side panel for optimal airflow. The AK6 RGB also supports up to nine fans and two radiators (360mm and 280mm), making it suitable for both air and liquid cooling setups.