AK-74 - Wikipedia
The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года, tr. Avtomat Kalashnikova obraztsa 1974 goda, lit. 'Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1974') is an assault rifle designed by …
AK-74突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AK-74N是一種專為夜戰設計的改進型AK-74突擊步槍。 它配備了側導軌,可以安裝夜視瞄具,使其在低光條件下具有更高的準確性和多功能性。 適配的夜戰瞄具包括: 紅外夜視瞄具:例 …
AK-74自动步枪 - 百度百科
AK-74自动步枪(英文:AK-74 Assault Rifle [3]),是苏联研制的一型自动步枪(又称:突击步枪)。 AK-74自动步枪,是在AKM步枪基础上改进而来,基本继承了卡拉什尼科夫自动步枪的 …
AK-74 / AKS-74 - 枪炮世界
AK-74是以AKM为基础,两者的原理、闭锁机构、供弹方式、击发发射机构等完全一样。 但为了发射小口径的5.45mm M74弹,对机枪、枪机、导气箍等都作了相应的改进。 其中枪管膛线缠距 …
AK74 Rifles For Sale - AtlanticFirearms.com
Atlantic Firearms offers a variety of Semi Auto AK 74 Sporting Rifles. There are 12 products. AK74 Rifle for sale at Atlantic Firearms. We have the best selection of AK 74 Rifles to meet …
TOKYO MARUI AK74R Electric Airsoft ( AEG ) – WGC Shop
The assault rifle of the former Soviet Union, which holds the world record for the highest production volume The electric gun, the standard type 'AK47', has now been released as the …
AK-74 Rifles - Shop Now - Palmetto State Armory
The AK-74 is a derivative of the AK-47 but is lighter and faster. Its 5.45 x 39 round is a lighter, faster, more penetrating round that minimizes recoil and muzzle rise. This new platform also …
AK-74M - Kalashnikov Group
Specifications, detailed capabilities, as well as photo and video materials for the AK-74M 5.45 mm rifle, the standard issue personal weapon of the Russian Army and law enforcement agencies.
Kalashnikov AK-74 (M1974) Assault Rifle - Military Factory
2022年5月17日 · During the 1970s, the Soviet military sought a new infantry assault weapons system chambered for an intermediate cartridge apart from the rifle round fired by the famous …
GHK AK74 GBBR Airsoft | RedWolf - RedWolf Airsoft
Best blowback AK on the market with stable full auto fire performance. Steel and wood construction means this gun is as real as it gets. It also has a side mount for you to add any …