Chapter 39. Below- and Above-the-Knee Amputation
Popliteal artery pressure of 50 mm Hg is generally considered adequate to heal a BKA. ... Full vascular evaluation for possible salvage procedures, including angioplasty, stenting, or vascular bypass (see Figure 39–1).
Below-Knee Amputation - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年5月7日 · A below-knee amputation (BKA), or below-the-knee amputation, is a transtibial amputation that involves removing the foot, ankle joint, distal tibia, fibula, and corresponding soft tissue structures. Lower extremity amputation serves as a life-saving procedure.
Above Knee Amputation - Approaches - Orthobullets
2016年10月4日 · check with nutrition labs: albumin, prealbumin, transferrin, total lymphocyte count severe soft tissue injury has the highest impact on decision whether to amputate or reconstruct lower extremity in trauma cases need to assess associated injuries and comorbidities (diabetes) traditional short BKA increases baseline metabolic cost of walking by 40%
Amputations - Trauma - Orthobullets
2023年8月21日 · amputations are done urgently and electively to reduce pain, provide independence, and restore function
Outcomes in Lower Extremity Amputation: Through Knee Versus …
2025年2月21日 · We describe the types of TKA and compare current data on TKA outcomes to above knee amputation (AKA) outcomes. Overall data is limited on TKA outcomes compared to AKA outcomes. TKA may have increased risk of surgical site infection and may require more operative revisions when compared to AKA.
Lower extremity amputation: The control series - Journal of …
In the 729 patients surviving operation, 345 above-knee amputations (AKAs) and 626 below-knee amputations (BKAs) were performed. After operation, 15.4% of these amputations failed to heal and required proximal revision. The AKA failure rate was 9% and the BKA failure rate was 19%.
Failed Above-the-Knee Amputation & Below-the-Knee Amputation …
AKA is surgical removal of the leg above the knee. BKA is surgical removal of the leg below the knee. Sometimes after this type of surgery, there may be complications. When this happens, the diagnosis is Failed Knee Amputation. Keep reading to learn more.
Below-knee Amputations Are Associated with Decreased Mortality …
The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program was used to identify functionally dependent patients who underwent non-traumatic BKA and AKA for atherosclerotic disease from 2005 to 2021. Emergent cases and those with preoperative sepsis and wound infections were excluded.
Amputation of the Lower Extremity: Above-Knee Amputation, …
2019年11月24日 · Patients who are suited for an above-knee amputation (AKA) include those who have limited or no mobility, a nonfunctional limb, infection that has progressed above the knee, inadequate overlying skin/muscle to provide stump coverage, and those patients who do not have adequate blood flow to heal a below-knee amputation (BKA) incision (popliteal ...
下肢切断術の術式 下腿切断 - サルコペニアのお話
英語では、下腿切断はTrans Tibial Amputation, Below Knee Amputation(BKA) といいます。 大腿切断の術式は こちら です。 適応. 糖尿病足壊疽、慢性骨髄炎など難治性感染症、閉塞性動脈硬化症など末梢血行障害による壊死、悪性骨軟部腫瘍、治療の困難な広範囲の外傷、先天性の奇形・変形など。 下腿中間より遠位の病変。 A 短い前方、長い後方皮弁の作成 皮膚の状態をみて、最初は極力長い皮弁をデザインする。 余分であれば、あとからトリミングする。 C 皮弁を …