Wireless EWI5000 Instrument | Akai Pro
EWI5000, the latest addition to the EWI series, combines innovative instrument design, wireless connectivity, and a sound library by SONiVOX to create the most expressive and versatile …
AKAI Professional EWI5000 - Wireless, Battery-Powered MIDI …
2014年4月14日 · Fusing a one-of-a-kind, innovative instrument design, reliable wireless connectivity and a divergent, professional sound library from the critically acclaimed leading software developer SONiVOX, EWI 5000 delivers unprecedented musical expression to wind players everywhere.
Akai Professional EWI 5000 Electronic Wind Instrument ... - Sweetwater
The latest entry in Akai Professional’s EWI series of dynamic performance wind instruments, the EWI5000 ups the ante with exciting features that include wireless connectivity, USB-MIDI, and a massive 3GB sound library of acoustic and synth sounds developed by industry-leading sound designer SONiVOX.
AKAI Professional EWI5000 White - amazon.com
2019年5月1日 · EWI5000 White, the latest addition to the EWI series, combines innovative instrument design, wireless connectivity, and a sound library by SONiVOX to create the most expressive and versatile electronic wind instrument available today - …
AKAI EWI 雅佳5000教学,第01期,《雅佳5000电吹管介绍》。_ …
,AKAI EWI 雅佳5000电吹管教学,第04期,《背面功能键及介绍》。 ,《罗兰AE新管子如何设置》,中文版本,第78期,罗兰AE20电吹管系列教学视频。
Akai EWI EWI5000 MIDI Wind Controller at Patchman Music
2018年11月7日 · EWI 5000 includes an array of advanced features, including digital 2.4GHz ultra-low-latency wireless connectivity, a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts up to 12 hours, and more than 3GB of built-in traditional and progressive sounds from SONiVOX, a leading creator of premium virtual instruments and software synthesis technologies.
Akai 新品 EWI 5000 无线电吹管详解 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
Akai pro在2014年的Winter NAMM秀上发布了全新的无线版本电吹管EWI5000,这是继业界领先的电吹管EWI4000S后Akai对整个EWI系列产品线的一次扩充。 全新的EWI5000除了增加无线功能外,主要的升级包括:
Akai Professional EWI5000 - Electronic Wind Instrument EWI 5000
2018年8月25日 · The EWI5000 from Akai Professional combines innovative instrument design, wireless connectivity, and a sound library from SONiVOX to create an expressive and versatile wind instrument. The unit features a responsive mouth piece with an air-pressure level sensor and bite sensor for precisely controlling volume and pitch dynamics.
AKAI EWI 5000 無線 電子吹管 - risemusicgear.com
在原始電子吹管樂器的基礎上,Akai Professional製造出了全新的EWI5000. 設計目標還是不變,就是為全世界的吹管樂手提供無與倫比的音樂表現能力. 趕快來體驗為當今樂手專門打造的最新一代吹管演奏技術. 特點. 最新一代音樂技術帶來真實的管樂器表現和反應. 立體聲信號傳輸帶來舞臺上的活動自由. 3GB內置音色,由SONiVOX設計製作的世界一流的原聲與合成音色. 利用可充電鋰電池最高可達6小時的演奏時間 (隨機提供充電電源適配器) 8個精確的旋鈕可以快速調節音色和 …
Building upon the legacy of the original Electronic Wind Instrument, Akai Professional created EWI5000 with the same objective in mind—deliver unprecedented musical expression to wind players everywhere. Experience the next generation in wind-performance technology with an instrument that's built for the contemporary player.
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