AKAP signalling complexes: focal points in space and time
2004年12月1日 · We now know that the release of cAMP into the cytoplasm is initiated by the occupancy of G-PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTORS (GPCRs) at the plasma membrane by several different ligands, including...
G-protein-coupled receptor-associated A-kinase anchoring
2008年12月2日 · Results: In the current work we analyze the ability of each AKAP to contribute to two downstream signaling events, the activation of mitogen-activate protein kinase and the resensitization/recycling of the internalized, desensitized beta2-adrenergic receptor to …
G-protein-coupled receptor-associated A-kinase anchoring …
Schematic of GPCR-associated AKAP79 and AKAP250: regulation of downstream signaling by beta 2-adrenergic receptors. The AKAPs provide multivalent docking sites for PKA, PKC, and PP2B as well as other protein kinases, phosphoprotein phosphatases, and …
G-protein-coupled receptor-associated A-kinase anchoring proteins ...
2006年7月5日 · Herein, we examine these two members of the class of GPCR-associated AKAPs, namely AKAP79 (also known as AKAP79/150 and AKAP5) and AKAP250 (also known as gravin and AKAP12), comparing and contrasting structure/function, conserved domains and motifs, and details about their roles in cellular signaling.
A-Kinase-Anchoring Protein Subtypes Differentially Regulate GPCR ...
AKAPs (A-kinase-anchoring proteins) act as scaffold proteins that anchor the regulatory subunits of the cAMP-dependent PKA (protein kinase A) to coordinate and compartmentalize signaling elements and signals downstream of Gs-coupled GPCRs (G protein-coupled receptors). The β 2 AR (β-2-adren …
AKAPs (A-kinase anchoring proteins) and molecules that …
2004年4月1日 · In this review, the multivalent interactions of AKAP250 with the cell membrane, receptor, cytoskeleton and constituent components are detailed, providing a working model for AKAP-based GPCR signalling complexes. Dynamic regulation of the AKAP-receptor complex is mediated by ordered protein phosphorylation.
G-protein-coupled receptor-associated A-kinase ... - ScienceDirect
2009年1月1日 · These data demonstrate quantitatively a clearly different pattern of AKAP-receptor association for AKAP5 versus AKAP12. AKAP5 remains associated with its G-protein-coupled receptor, at the cell membrane, docked with the receptor during agonist-induced internalization and later receptor recycling after agonist wash-out.
(PDF) AKAPs (A-kinase anchoring proteins) and molecules
2004年5月1日 · In this review, the multivalent interactions of AKAP250 with the cell membrane, receptor, cytoskeleton and constituent components are detailed, providing a working model for AKAP-based GPCR...
A-Kinase–Anchoring Protein Subtypes Differentially Regulate GPCR ...
AKAPs (A-kinase–anchoring proteins) act as scaffold proteins that anchor the regulatory subunits of the cAMP-dependent PKA (protein kinase A) to coordinate and compartmentalize signaling elements and signals downstream of Gs-coupled GPCRs (G protein–coupled receptors).
G-protein-coupled receptor-associated A-kinase anchoring …
2006年7月5日 · Herein, we examine these two members of the class of GPCR-associated AKAPs, namely AKAP79 (also known as AKAP79/150 and AKAP5) and AKAP250 (also known as gravin and AKAP12), comparing and contrasting structure/function, conserved domains and motifs, and details about their roles in cellular signaling.