AKAPs: from structure to function: Trends in Cell Biology
1999年6月1日 · Recent structural data indicate that there is a single region of multiple contact sites between the RII subunit dimer and the AKAP, which presumably accounts for the high-affinity interaction. Functionally, this suggests that the AKAP–PKA complex is likely to be a constitutive interaction in cells and not subject to regulation.
A-激酶锚定蛋白 5(AKAP5)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子 ...
激酶锚定蛋白 (AKAP) 是一组结构多样的蛋白质,它们具有与蛋白激酶 A (PKA) 的调节亚基结合并将全酶限制在细胞内离散位置的共同功能。 该基因编码 AKAP 家族的一个成员。 编码的蛋白质与 PKA 的 RII-β 调节亚基结合,也与蛋白激酶 C 和磷酸酶钙调神经磷酸酶结合。 它主要在大脑皮层中表达,并可能将 PKA 蛋白锚定在突触后密度 (PSD) 并参与突触后事件的调节。 它也在 T 淋巴细胞中表达,并可能通过破坏 NFAT 的神经钙蛋白依赖性去磷酸化来抑制白细胞介素 2 的转录 …
AKAP1/PKA-mediated GRP75 phosphorylation at mitochondria
2024年11月13日 · In particular, a signaling microdomain, the outer mitochondrial membrane protein A-kinase anchor protein 1 (AKAP1)-anchored PKA, phosphorylated GRP75 at S148 in MAMs. This caused GRP75 to be...
A型激酶锚定蛋白 (A-kinase anchoring proteins,AKAPs)是一类结构不同而功能相关的蛋白家族,其主要功能是将cAMP依赖性蛋白激酶A(PKA)锚定于特定的亚细胞结构.PKA是第二信使cAMP的主要效应器,而AKAPs在靶向定位和调节PKA介导的磷酸化事件方面扮演重要角色....
AKAP150 signaling complex promotes suppression of the M
2003年5月18日 · Our data indicate that AKAP150-bound PKC participates in receptor-induced inhibition of the M-current. The M-current is a low-threshold, slowly activating potassium current that exerts negative...
Regulation of AKAP-Membrane Interactions by Calcium
The AKAP gravin is a scaffold for protein kinases, phosphatases, and adaptor molecules obligate for resensitization and recycling of β2-adrenergic receptors. Gravin binds to the receptor through well characterized protein-protein interactions.
AKAP signaling complexes: pointing towards the next generation …
Arguably the most extensively characterized anchoring protein, AKAP79/150, organizes a veritable mecca of signaling proteins. These include the beta adrenergic receptor (βAR), adenylyl cyclase (AC), L-type voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels (Ca v 1.2, Ca v 1.3) protein kinases A and C (PKA, PKC), and protein phosphatases among others [3 - 5].
Using whole cell patch clamp recordings in LHb of male wildtype and ΔPKA knockin mice (with deficiency in AKAP-anchoring of PKA), here we show that the genetic disruption of PKA anchoring to...
A-激酶锚定蛋白(AKAPs)是一组结构多样的蛋白质,共同功能是与蛋白激酶A(PKA)的调节亚基结合,并将全酶限制在细胞内的特定位置。 这个基因编码AKAP家族的一员。 编码的蛋白质在各种大脑区域、心脏和骨骼肌中高度表达。 它特异性地定位在肌质网和核膜上,并涉及将PKA锚定在核膜或肌质网上。 [由RefSeq,2008年7月提供] 当前研究发现,AKAP6基因存在15种不同的转录本和15种不同的蛋白质变体。 Dir./Indir. 该模块正在开发中,请耐心等待我们的数据更新。 …
Isoform-Selective Disruption of AKAP-Localized PKA Using …
Here we report the design of conformationally constrained peptides that disrupt interactions between PKA and AKAPs in an isoform-selective manner.