Ākāśagarbha - Wikipedia
Ākāśagarbha (Chinese: 虛空藏菩薩; pinyin: Xūkōngzàng Púsà; Japanese pronunciation: Kokūzō Bosatsu; Korean: 허공장보살; romaja: Heogongjang Bosal; Vietnamese: Hư Không Tạng Bồ Tát, Standard Tibetan: Namkha'i Nyingpo) is a bodhisattva in Chinese, Japanese and Korean Buddhism who is associated with the great element (mahābhūta) of space (ākāśa).
Akashagarbha - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Akashagarbha is one of the eight great bodhisattvas. In the Tibetan tradition, he is often depicted as blue, yellow or green in colour and holding a sword to cut through the destructive emotions.
虚空藏菩萨 - 百度百科
虚空藏菩萨,梵语尊称ākāśagarbha bodhisattva,音译阿迦舍檗婆,密号如意金刚、富贵金刚、无尽金刚,汉译又作尊上虚空孕菩萨、虚空库菩萨、虚空光菩萨,中国大乘佛教八大菩萨摩诃萨之一。 虚空藏菩萨具有赐予利乐的力量。 “藏”表示无限福德智慧,“虚空”表广大。 [2-4] [5] 虚空藏菩萨是一位受人景仰的佛教神祇。 关于他的来历,一说虚空藏菩萨从文殊菩萨鼻部生出,一说他是善根愿力化生而来,经过修行成为了虚空藏菩萨。 虚空藏菩萨在无量菩萨中专注智慧、功德和财 …
Akashagarbha - Samye Institute
2023年7月18日 · Ākāśagarbha is a bodhisattva who features in the group known as the “eight close sons of the Buddha”. He is said to epitomize great compassion. His particular quality is his work to help sentient beings to purify their broken vows and transgressions.
Buddhist Deity: Akashagarbha Main Page - Himalayan Art
Akashagarbha, also shortened to Kagarbha, is counted as one of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas. His name means 'nucleus of space' and he is associated with wisdom and knowledge similar to Manjushri. Akashagarbha and Manjushri also share the same sword attribute.
Akasagarbha Bodhisattva mantra: Meaning and Benefits
Akasagarbha Bodhisattva (Japanese: Kokuzo) is one of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. His name represents the infinite space-like wisdom of the universe. Akasagarbha Bodhisattva was very important in the life of Kukai (Kobo-Daishi), a Vajrayana master and founder of the Shingon school of Buddhism in Japan in the early 9th century.
Akashagarbha - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Akashagarbha is the principal Bodhisattva of the Jewel family. He is associated with the Eastern wisdom through the dawning of light from that direction. He wears a white robe and holds a lotus with a large sword shedding that light in his left hand. He is known for his generosity and meritorious acts.
Akasagarbha - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
AKASAGARBHA is the Guardian Buddha of people born under the sign of the OX and TIGER. Akasagarbha Buddha is also known as the ‘ Boundless Space Treasury ’ Buddha. He is sometimes considered as twin brother of Ksitigarbha Buddha. He is a Buddha who bestows Wisdom through Enlightenment. The Mantra of Akasagarbha is OM VAJRA RATNA TRAH SOHA.
Ākāśagarbha - Dharmapedia Wiki
Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva or Akasagarbha Bodhisattva (Chinese: 虛空藏菩薩 ; pinyin: Xūkōngzàng Púsà ; Japanese pronunciation: Kokūzō Bosatsu ; Korean: 허공장보살 ; romaja: Heogongjang Bosal, Standard Tibetan Namkha'i Nyingpo, Vietnamese Hư Không Tạng Bồ Tát) is a bodhisattva who is associated with the great element (mahābhūta) of space (ākāśa).
Ākāśagarbha | Buddhism & Healing
Ākāśagarbha (Japanese: Kokūzō) is an important figure in far eastern Buddhism. His emblems are the Sword and Cintāmaṇi (or wish fulfilling jewel). He is one of the 8 Great Bodhisattvas. Ākāśagarbha is very important in the life story of Kūkai, the …