Domaines d'expertise Économie politique internationale, gouvernance mondiale, droit économique international, intégration régionale (en particulier l'UE et la région de l'Asie de l'Est), responsabilité sociale des entreprises, Chine
Akihiko "Aki" Tamura - Director General, Paris Office - JETRO
RCEP Chief Negotiator for GOJ. Responsible for trade relations with China and ASEAN and RCEP negotiation. GOJ Chief Negotiator on WTO EGA (Environmental Goods) negotiation. Also in charge...
Akihiko Tamura - oecd-events.org
Akihiko Tamura is Director General of the JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) Paris Office since August 2023. Prior to being posted in Paris, he was Councillor for TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), Cabinet Secretariat, the Government of Japan.
About Us – ENEX Japan
We provide a range of services for clients from contingency through retained executive searches, specifically tailoring the service to suit the specific needs of the search. Aki Tamura SENIOR CONSULTANT/HEAD OF RESEARCH Email: [email protected] Phone: +81 90 8551 9379 LinkedIn: Aki Tamura
Home page of Akihisa Tamura - Keio
Welcome to Akihisa Tamura's home page. My research interests are in combinatorial optimization and mathematical programming. Phone: +81-45-566-1439 FAX: +81-45-566-1642 Address: Department of Mathematics Keio University Yokohama 223-8522, Japan Email: aki-tamura AT math.keio.ac.jp CV
AKI TAMURA - External Affairs Department - さくら国際交流協同 …
· 職歴: さくら国際交流協同組合 · 学歴: 東京外国語大学 · 場所: 東京 · LinkedInのつながり140人。 10億人のメンバーを擁するプロフェッショナルコミュニティであるLinkedInでAKI TAMURAさんのプロフィールを閲覧しましょう。
Aki Tamura (@Ak1Tamura) / Twitter
2022年7月8日 · Hi there and welcome to Aki Tamura official twitter account! I make gaming videos such as GTA5, ROBLOX,MINECRAFT and many more coming. I like having fun here!
Aki Tamura - Solutions Architect, FAE - NVIDIA | LinkedIn
NVIDIA - Solution Architect · NVIDIA · 日本大学-Physics · 川崎区 · LinkedInのつながり170人。 10億人のメンバーを擁するプロフェッショナルコミュニティであるLinkedInでAki Tamuraさんのプロフィールを閲覧しましょう。
Aki Tamura - Product Owner - Sun* Vietnam | LinkedIn
Product Owner @ SUN* · Kinh nghiệm: Sun* Vietnam · Giáo dục: Vietnam National University, Hanoi · Vị trí: Hanoi · 190 kết nối trên LinkedIn. Xem Aki Tamura hồ sơ trên LinkedIn, một cộng đồng...
Details of a Researcher - Tamura, Akihisa - Keio
Akiyoshi Shioura, Akihisa Tamura, 2016.09, The Operations Research Society of Japan, Gross Substitutes Condition and Discrete Concavity for Multi-Unit Valuations: A survey