ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
Western Intelligence focused on the four-engine developments while the twin-engine Ilyushin Il-28 was created to meet a requirement for a bomber to carry a 3,000 kilograms (6,600 lb) bombload at...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
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The AZK-7M, also known as 1B33M, is an automatic, passive sound ranging based artillery locating system intended to determine the position of both howitzers and mortar guns. The system has been designed to work within a battlefield network providing target position to field commanders in real time.
Artillery sound ranging - Wikipedia
In land warfare, artillery sound ranging is a method of determining the coordinates of a hostile battery using data derived from the sound of its guns (or mortar or rockets) firing, so called target acquisition. The same methods can also be used to direct artillery fire at a position with known coordinates, so called fire control.
The AZK-7M functions by placing three sound monitors certain distances from one another and then triangulating the location of a given (artillery) sound. Although acoustic systems have a shorter effective range, and are
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2017年9月5日 · 瓦克AKZ测试设备采用了双搅拌头,从而避免了单个搅拌头的局部搅拌的不充分性;并且泡沫高度数据的变化采用感光探测系统检测,连接电脑采集记录,避免了肉眼观察带来的延时性等误差。 为了给客户提供稳定的高品质消泡剂,瓦克使用了专业的消泡剂产品应用性能评估测试仪AKZ。 瓦克还独创性地把AKZ测试系统引入精准量化的质量控制体系,在消泡剂生产过程中,大大提高了对于产品性能的管控。 上图是消泡剂SILFOAM® SE 47AKZ测试实例。 往起泡 …
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