5083 aluminium alloy - Wikipedia
5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium–magnesium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. …
5083 Aluminum Properties, Alloy 5083 H116 H111 H321 - World …
5083 aluminum alloy is a non-heat treatable alloy containing 4-4.9% Mg and 0.4-1.0% Mn. Properties include density, tensile & yield strength.
5083铝板 - 百度百科
5083铝板是一种Al-Mg系合金,具有广泛的用途,特别是在建筑业中,具有良好的耐蚀性、焊接性和冷加工性,并具有中等强度。 主要合金元素为镁,适用于制造飞机油箱、油管、交通车辆 …
Aluminum Alloy 5083 - McMaster-Carr
Highly corrosion resistant, 5083 is largely used around salt water for building ships and oil rigs. It maintains its strength in extreme cold, so it's also used to make cryogenic pressure vessels …
Alloy 5083 is a non-heat-treatable 4.5% magnesium, 0.15% chromium, 0.7% manganese alloy commonly available in flat rolled plate from a range of producing mills. Like all the 5000-series …
5083铝合金 - 百度百科
5083铝合金是高镁合金,在不可热处理合金中强度良好,耐蚀性、可切削性良好。 阳极化处理 后表面美观。 电弧焊 性能良好。5083合金中的主要 合金元素 为镁,具有良好的 抗蚀性 与可 焊 …
5083 Aluminum: Properties, Applications, and Benefits
2024年12月6日 · 5083 Aluminum is among the high-magnesium aluminum alloys used extensively for their high rates of corrosion resistance including marine corrosion. Its good …
Aluminium 5083: Properties, Fabrication and Applications - AZoM.com
2005年4月19日 · Aluminium 5083 is known for exceptional performance in extreme environments. 5083 is highly resistant to attack by both seawater and industrial chemical environments. The …
5083 Aluminum Alloy - Rickard Metals
Aluminum 5083 is a non-heat treatable alloy known for its resistance to extreme environments, including seawater corrosion and industrial chemicals. While featuring limited machinability …
Commercial Alloy - 5083 - '0' - H111 Sheet and Plate - Aalco
Aluminium 5083 is known for exceptional performance in extreme environments. 5083 is highly resistant to attack by both seawater and industrial chemical environments. Alloy 5083 also …