Al Ain - Wikipedia
Al Ain is the largest inland city in the Emirates, the fourth-largest city (after Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah), and the second-largest [2] in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The freeways connecting Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai form a geographic triangle in the country, each city being roughly 130 kilometres (81 mi) from the others.
阿莱茵 (AL AIN)是阿联酋第四大城市,距离迪拜市区有120多公里的路程。 阿莱茵作为阿布扎比酋长国东部省的重镇,阿莱茵这座城市并不是单独的酋长国,而是隶属于阿布扎比,同时也是第一任阿联酋酋长谢赫·扎耶德的故乡,有着不同于其他酋长国沙漠绵延的景象,有着泉水绿树的阿莱茵,一直以来都被誉为海湾花园之城,中东的温泉之都。 阿莱茵是阿联酋最大的绿洲,整个国家90%的淡水都来自于这里,是那沙漠之中的一抹绿色。 整个阿联酋历史短浅,往往博物馆里 …
艾因 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
艾因 (阿拉伯语: العين al-ʿayn;本意是“泉水”)是 阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿布扎比酋长国 的一座城市,邻近 阿曼 边境。 以其綠洲和青銅時代文明遺址出名,很多當地文物收藏在 艾因國家博物館 [1][2]。 它是阿聯酋第四大城市和最大的內陸城市,此外也是阿布扎比酋長國第二大城市。 ^ Al Ain National Museum. VisitAbuDhabi.ae. [2017-08-06]. (原始内容 存档于2018-09-03). ^ Museum and archaeological park for Abu Dhabi. Past Horizons. [2013-12-21]. (原始内容 存档于2012 …
艾因 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
艾因 (阿拉伯语: العين al-ʿayn;本意是“泉水”)是 阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿布扎比酋长国 的一座城市,邻近 阿曼 边境。 以其绿洲和青铜时代文明遗址出名,很多当地文物收藏在 艾因国家博物馆 [1][2]。 它是阿联酋第四大城市和最大的内陆城市,此外也是阿布扎比酋长国第二大城市。 ^ Al Ain National Museum. VisitAbuDhabi.ae. [2017-08-06]. (原始内容 存档于2018-09-03). ^ Museum and archaeological park for Abu Dhabi. Past Horizons. [2013-12-21]. (原始内容 存档于2012 …
Al Ain | City | Experience Abu Dhabi
Drive 90-minutes inland from downtown Abu Dhabi and you'll discover Al Ain, a garden city, one of the world's oldest permanently inhabited settlements and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Don't forget your phone when visiting this green region because it's filled with visual gems and characterful sights perfect for photos.
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates - Tripadvisor
Al Ain is the Garden city of this Arab nation, an oasis town located next to the Omani town of Buraimi. Al Ain is famous for its lively, bustling Camel Souk, attracting breeders and buyers from all over the UAE, including merchants and shepherds from the Al Rashaidah tribes.
Al Ain: The Great Oasis of the United Arab Emirates - National …
2018年3月7日 · In Al Ain city, the Al Ain Oasis has been opened as the UAE's first curated UNESCO World Heritage Site visitor experience. Life on the edge of the Rub al Khali, or Empty Quarter—the world’s...
阿莱茵(Al Ain) - Visit Abu Dhabi
阿莱茵(Al Ain) 驱车从阿布扎比市中心向内陆进发,只需 90 分钟便可抵达花园城市阿莱茵,它是世界上最古老的永久居住区之一,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。
Visit Al Ain | Travel and Tourism | Abu Dhabi
Al Ain is only 90 minutes from Abu Dhabi, so what are you waiting for? Step back in time in Al Ain, a region that embodies authentic Emirati hospitality and welcomes visitors for adventure, inspiration and relaxation. Discover where the UAE’s story began, with a unique glimpse into UAE culture, heritage and traditions.
艾因市 - 百度百科
艾因(Al Ain)是一个绿洲城市,是阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比酋长国第二大绿洲。