Effect of Ca/Si and Al/Si on micromechanical properties of C(-A)-S …
2022年7月1日 · In this study, synthetic C(-A)-S-H with Ca/Si and Al/Si ratios of 0.8–1.0 and 0.1–0.3, respectively, was cold-pressed into compacts. Then, nanoindentation was used to investigate the effects of Ca/Si and Al/Si ratios on the hardness and elastic and creep moduli.
铝硅酸盐 - 百度百科
铝硅酸盐是指硅酸盐中的SiO4四面体的一部分由AlO4四面体取代组成,如 正长石 KAlSi3O8。 也可写为K [ (AlO2) (SiO2)3],表示四分之一的含氧四面体被 铝 原子所占据,还有 钙长石 CaAl2SiO8或Ca [ (AlO2)2(SiO2)2],其中一半是AlO4四面体,另一半是SiO4四面体。 天然的 分子筛 泡沸石 (Na2O·Al2O3·2SiO2·nH2O)是一类含有 结晶水 的铝硅酸盐,是一种新型的高效选择性 吸附剂,可用于 分离 气体或液体。 可由 硅酸钠 、 偏铝酸钠 和 氢氧化钠 以一定比例 混 …
Study on microstructure and properties of Mg-Al-Si-Ca alloy by …
2023年6月25日 · In this paper, the effects of as-cast and two-stage solid solution plus aging on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Mg-Al-Si-Ca alloy were systematically studied, and the aging mechanism of heat treatment was analyzed by JMA equation.
Incorporation of Al in C-A-S-H gels with various Ca/Si and Al/Si …
2017年11月30日 · Incorporation of Al increases main basal spacing, amount of bounded water and decreases crystallinity of C-(A)-S-H (calcium (aluminium) silicate hydrate). Transmission electron microscope observations showed that aluminium results in formation of more compacted, foil-like microstructure.
Ca AL Si啥意思 - 百度知道
Ca钙是一种金属元素,原子序数为20,符号Ca,在元素周期表中位于第4周期、第IIA族。 钙单质常温下为银白色固体, 化学性质 活泼,因此在自然界多以离子状态或化合物形式存在。
Effects of Ca/Si Ratio, Aluminum and Magnesium on the …
The results showed that the Ca/Si ratio, Al/Si ratio and Mg/Si ratio had a significant influence on the structure, carbonation products and carbonation resistance of C- (M)- (A)-S-H. The mean chain length of silicate chains in C-S-H increased as the Ca/Si ratio decreased.
Ca-Si-Al元素比例对水热过程中生活垃圾焚烧飞灰中铝硅酸盐矿物 …
水热处理 (HT) 是一种很有前途的有机化合物降解技术,被用于该研究中 FA 中多环芳烃的水热解毒。由于不同水平的 Ca/(Si + Al) 和 Al/(Si + Al) 摩尔比通过调整 SiO 2和 Al 2 O 3添加到 FA 中,形成了不同种类的铝硅酸盐矿物,并且在 HT 产品中观察到不同的 PAHs 解毒效率。
Phase Diagram of Al-Ca-Mg-Si System and Its Application for the …
2017年10月13日 · The phase transformations in the Al-Ca-Mg-Si system have been studied using thermodynamic calculations and experimental methods. We show that at 10% Magnesium (Mg), depending on the concentrations of calcium (Ca) and silicon (Si), the following phases crystallize first (apart from the aluminum (Al) solid solution): Al4Ca, Mg2Si, and Al2CaSi2.
P removal from Si by Si-Ca-Al alloying-leaching refining: Effect of Al ...
2021年9月15日 · The Si-Ca-Al-P system is one of the most crucial alloy systems for Si refining, where P can be separated by either the Si-Al solvent refining or the Si-Ca alloying-leaching process. In this work, a series of Si-Ca-Al alloys were obtained to investigate the role of alloy composition and the CaAl 2 Si 2 phase in P segregation and separation.
The activity coefficients of Al and Ca in molten Si at 1450-1550°C were determined by the Knudsen effusion method and also by a chemical equilibrium technique from the distribution between liquid silicon and lead at 1450°C [1999Mik].