Raman and photoluminescence properties of α-Al2O3 microcones …
2010年1月31日 · Raman spectrum displays that the Al 2 O 3 microcones match better with single crystal than bulk Al 2 O 3, revealing a good crystalline nature. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum reveals a strong red luminescence at 693 nm and three small-shoulder emission bands at 677, 706 and 712 nm, respectively.
Study of Raman spectra for γ-Al2O3 models by using first-principles ...
2014年1月1日 · In the current study, the vibration properties of the spinel and nonspinel γ-Al 2 O 3 models (40-atom unit cell) were examined and analyzed by using a first-principles method. The Raman spectra including both the frequency positions and intensities were calculated by using the density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) [20].
Raman spectra of amorphous Al2O3 and Al2O3/MoO3 obtained …
Corresponding Author. O. Faurskov Nielsen. University of Copenhagen, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Physics, The H. C. Ørsted Institute, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
AlScN/Al2O3 的拉曼光谱和光谱特征,Micromachines - X-MOL
在这项工作中,我们研究了 Al 的拉曼光谱指纹 1 - x ScN 薄膜的 Sc 浓度x = 0、0.14、0.17、0.23、0.32 和 0.41,生长在 Al2O (0001) 基板上。 光谱显示,随着 Sc 含量的增加,与主要纤锌矿相相关的模式软化和加宽,与相应的 XRD 结果一致。 我们通过将平均晶粒尺寸与声子相关长度进行比较,研究了导致巨大模式线宽的主要散射机制,表明合金化增加了点缺陷密度。 低频拉曼谱带归因于共成型 ScN 纳米粒子中的受限球形声学模式。 与温度相关的拉曼测量能够确定所有 Sc …
Accurate theoretical IR and Raman spectrum of Al2O2 and Al2O3 …
2011年1月23日 · The accurate harmonic vibration frequencies together with the infrared (IR) and Raman intensities of the most stable conformers of Al 2 O 2 and Al 2 O 3 molecules have been calculated by the density functional theory (DFT) method with B3LYP exchange–correlation potential and using a set of the augmented correlated consistent basis sets up to qui...
Raman spectra of prepared Al2O3 powders calcined for 6 h
In this paper, α-alumina structures were successfully prepared via hydrothermal synthesis supported with sodium dodecyl sulfonate anionic surfactant. The effect of the surfactant and the...
Raman spectra of sapphire (α-Al 2 O 3 ). - ResearchGate
The better oxidation resistance of the alloy is ascribed to the presence of sufficient Al content in it and the formation of stable α-Al2O3 oxides which prevents further oxidation by suppressing...
Quantitative insight into aluminum structures in CaO–Al2O3…
2021年12月1日 · In the present work the structural behaviors of aluminum ion in the CaO–Al2 O 3 and CaO–Al 2 O 3 –SiO 2 systems were investigated via Raman spectroscopy and 27Al MAS-NMR spectroscopy analyses.
Raman Spectroscopy and Spectral Signatures of AlScN/Al2O3
2022年11月11日 · In this work, we have investigated the Raman spectral fingerprint of Al1−xScxN thin films with Sc concentrations x = 0, 0.14, 0.17, 0.23, 0.32, and 0.41, grown on Al2O3(0001) substrates. The spectra show softening and broadening of the modes related to the dominant wurtzite phase with increasing Sc content, in agreement with the corresponding ...
Excitation Frequency Dependence and Fluorescence in the Raman …
在本文中,报告了在不同激发频率以及不同光谱仪和不同温度下获得的 Al2O3 的拉曼光谱。 结果表明,在 1064 nm 的激发频率下观察到强荧光背景,而在 1250 °C 下加热的 Al2O3 样品在 632.8 nm 频率激发时表现出强烈而显着的荧光 ne 结构。 得出的结论是,Al2O3 拉曼光谱中荧光背景的来源是铁,铁杂质, Raman spectra of aluminum oxide, Al2O3, have been a subject of interest over the last two decades.