2019年11月7日 · 1943年10月,AL-43原型设计完成,射速800发/分,空重5.8公斤,拉赫提也为其专门设计了9x35mm中间威力弹,并和当时发射7.62x54R的M91步枪和9mm KP31索米进行了对比测试。 在150米的距离上,射击新鲜松木板,测试结果如下. M91穿透400mm. AL43穿透271mm. KP31穿透132mm. AL43恰好介于手枪弹和全威力步枪弹之间。 AL43的外形依旧延续了KP31的风格,而且继承了那个破两脚架,芬兰人当时对自动武器的理解似乎和德国人不大一样...更多强 …
9 X 35 Lahti AL-43 - Cartridge Collector
Finnish arms designed Amio Lahti saw the potential of a lightweight SMG concept and started his own development based on shortened 6.5×55 SE cases. This private venture, while in the employ of the VKT (Valtion Kivääritehdas = State Rifle Factory), lead to some serious personality clashes with management and he was accused of using company ...
Lahti AL-43 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Lahti m/AL-43 was a prototype submachine gun of Finnish origin designed by Aimo Lahti in 1943. It was chambered in the 9x35mm Lahti and later 7.62x35mm Lahti round which were ballistically comparable to the performace of the StG 44. [1] [2]
Yleisase AL-43 - Axis History Forum
2009年1月13日 · Some info about AL-43 in my website: BTW: While the term yleisase (general purpose weapon) suggests it as a replacement of other existing weapons and while from technical point of view it can be seen as one of the first assault rifles, IMHO it would have been a very poor replacement for rifles and submachineguns.
【图片】【IGI武器科普】关于二代琼斯的专用副武器:SMG2冲锋 …
SMG-2较琼斯前两把手枪的副武器应该来说算是好用一点,毕竟有三种射击方式,但是根据”打身体至少两枪“的理论来看,SMG的效果可能不如手枪,开一枪镜头抖动幅度比手枪大,这可能在应对一些情况来说不是最佳选择,比如不能及时打掉敌人按警报而导致出现全局计划的混乱,当然也可以在一些紧急情况是缓解压力,敌人数量的突然增多不会给你造成太大的影响。 总的来说,SMG这把只在天朝有的琼斯专属武器,的确能给琼斯带来”潜入“的机会,有优点也有缺点, …
Submachine gun reference database - firearms.96.lt
In 1916, the Österreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft (OEWG) in Steyr developed selective-fire conversions of the Repetierpistole M.7 and Selbstladepistole M.12, with the latter going into limited production for field trials on the Italian Front. These competed against similar conversions of the Hungarian Frommer pistol by FEG in Budapest.
SMG 0818 冲锋枪—世界上最神秘的冲锋枪之一!江湖人称司马光 …
smg 08/18的供弹机构十分特殊,其采用可装80发的多列弹夹进行供弹,分为10列,每列能装8发,整个弹夹需要塞入机匣左侧的供弹盒中。 武器先从最靠近机匣的那一排弹药开始供弹,枪弹会由一个齿状部件一发发往上进入机匣,当第一排枪弹射击完毕后,整个弹夹会 ...
Some wepons for Axis - Suggestions - Enlisted
2024年1月13日 · The Lahti m/AL-43 was a prototype submachine gun of Finnish origin designed by Aimo Lahti in 1943. It was chambered in the 9x35mm Lahti and later 7.62x35mm Lahti round which were ballistically comparable to the performace of the StG 44. The Frommer automatic rifle was operated by a long recoil mechanism.
SMG08/18究竟是什么枪?_德国_重机枪_冲锋枪 - 搜狐
2022年11月14日 · 不过这个名称是后世人赋予的,它同时还有个“Schwarzlose submachine gun”的全称,以及“Maxim SMG”的别称。 前者认为它是德国武器大师施瓦茨罗泽原创设计的产物,施瓦茨罗泽的水冷重机枪很像马克沁机枪,是奥匈帝国的主要武器。
WWII Soviet PPSh-41 SMG, Class III/NFA C&R Fully Transferable
Fielded by the Red Army and air-dropped to Soviet-friendly partisan forces, the SMG was also used by the Germans (both in original 7.62 and re-chambered for 9mm Parabellum).
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