Novel M (Mg/Ni/Cu)-Al-CO3 layered double hydroxides
2019年7月5日 · Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was used to determine the elemental composition of the three M (Mg, Ni, Cu)-Al-CO 3 LDH samples with an Aztec Energy X-MAX 50 EDS System. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out to study the stability of the newly prepared LDH adsorbents with a METTLER TOLEDO TGA/DSC 1 instrument.
Ni / Al-CO3吸附刚果红的平衡,热力学和动力学研究,Oriental …
2015年9月22日 · FESEM / EDX是使用Carl Zeiss SMT supra 40 VPFESEM Germany和inca penta FET x 3 EDX,Oxford获得的。 它以5.0 kV的超高压(HT)和20000X的放大倍数运行。 FESEM使用电子产生样品的图像(形态),并与EDX相连以进行定性元素分析。
完全弄懂能量色散X射线光谱EDS(EDX) - 知乎专栏
EDS分析是利用元素的特征X射线,而 氢和氦原子只有K层电子,不能产生特征 X 射线,所以无法进行成分分析, 锂 (Li)和铍 (Be)虽然能产生X射线,但产生的特征X射线波长太长,能量小,通常无法进行检测,目前元素分析元素范围一般从 硼 (Be)-铀 (U)。 在这里提醒一下,一般以谱图上出峰来判断是否有该元素,对于某些元素,有时在选中元素后即使没有也会显示含量,如果在谱图上没有出峰,大概率是误差,不应认为有该元素。 波谱仪也是一种重要的利用激发X射线进行元 …
XPS, FTIR, EDX, and XRD Analysis of Al2O3 Scales Grown on …
The formed oxide scales were characterized using analysis techniques such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
XRD patterns of the Zn-AlCO 3 and Zn-AlDs samples.
XRD, FTIR, TEM/EDX and TGA/DTA were used to determine structural, morphological and thermal properties of the material. Under varied circumstances, the adsorption capability for MO dye...
SEM干货知识|扫描电子显微镜SEM与EDX能谱分析 - 知乎
edx分析原理. 电子束轰击原子内层,激发出基态原子的内壳电子,在内层留下带正电的电子空穴。内层电子离开原子后,处于较高能级的外层电子会填充这些低能级的空穴,多余能量可能会以 x 射线形式放出,而这种x 射线的能量分布可以反映特定元素和跃迁特征。
edx是借助于分析试样发出的元素特征x射线波长和强度实现的, 根据不同元素特征x射线波长的不同来测定试样所含的元素。 通过对比不同元素谱线的强度可以测定试样中元素的含量。
Novel M (Mg/ Ni/ Cu)-Al-CO3 layered double hydroxides …
Characterized with XRD, N 2 adsorption-desorption, TEM, EDX, and TGA, we found the newly synthesized Ni-Al-CO 3 LDH showed a nano-flower-like morphology comprising randomly oriented 2D nanoplatelets with both high surface area …
SEM and EDX Analysis. For each tested temperature, oxidized specimens, contained in crucibles, were cooled to room temperature. For studies of scale morphology, compo-sition, and crystal structure, EDX analysis was used. Figure shows EDX analysis of the as-received PM, and the presence of the elements Fe, Cr, Al, Y, Zr, Si, Mn, and C is ...
Adsorption of Congo Red by Ni/Al-CO
Experimental investigations were carried out using Ni/Al-CO 3 layered double hydroxide as adsorbent for removal of toxic anionic dye namely Congo red from aqueous solutions.
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