Alcopop - Wikipedia
An alcopop (or cooler) is a category of mixed alcoholic beverages with relatively low alcohol content (e.g., 3–7% alcohol by volume), including: Malt beverages to which various fruit juices …
The rise, fall and rebirth of alcopops - The Spirits Business
2024年3月8日 · The alcopop was the birth of the ready-to-drink (RTD) category, and much like Tamagotchis and MSN Messenger, they were big news for those of us in the Y2K generation.
alcopop中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
What are Alcopops? - youthbingedrinking.org
“Alcopop” is a term coined by the popular media to describe bottled alcoholic beverages that resemble sweet drinks such as soda and lemonade. It is believed that the sweetness of …
进击的低度酒饮潮流Alco-pop,正在改变中国酒水市场环境 - 知乎
不可否认的是,在酒水市场,特别是高度酒市场,存在着两个极端。一部分人视酒为“精神食粮”,是放松解压的好东西,而一部分尚未形成饮酒习惯的人则认为,酒,度数太高,饮用体验 …
ALCOPOP Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ALCOPOP is a flavored beverage containing usually 4 to 6 percent alcohol.
Alcopops: a global perspective on the new category of …
2018年9月25日 · “Alcopop” is a collective term used to refer to flavored alcoholic beverages (FAB), also known as malt alcoholic beverage; ready-to-drink beverage (RTD); pre-packaged …
ALCOPOP在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
alcopop的意思、解释及翻译:1. a sweet fizzy alcoholic drink (= one with bubbles) 2. a sweet fizzy alcoholic drink (= one with…。了解更多。
What is Alcopop? (with pictures) - Delighted Cooking
2024年5月16日 · An alcopop is an alcoholic beverage made with fruit juices and other flavorings which tend to conceal the alcohol content of the drink behind a sweet, fruity flavor. Such drinks …
alcopop到底是什么? 酒精饮料的新宠儿-生活-淘宝百科网
2025年2月16日 · alcopop,顾名思义,就是酒精加流行的意思。 它是一种低度酒精饮料,酒精含量通常在10%-18%之间,远低于传统烈酒。 这意味着你可以享受到酒精带来的愉悦感,同时 …