ALE DeskPhones | Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Improve your business and operational performance with ALE DeskPhones. These reliable devices deliver superior sound quality, ensuring that you hear important details right the first time. The innovative, customizable design can satisfy all your user requirements, while rich feature sets satisfy all your business communication needs.
Command and control your phone through a central smart pad: Navigate quickly through menus, easily adjust screen brightness and contrast, and easily manage the in/out audio. Benefit from an easy-to-read portrait touchscreen for an intuitive experience.
With its 4.3 inch color touch display and an intuitive navigation Smart Pad, the ALE-400 Enterprise DeskPhone (ALE-400) delivers a great user experience and increased convenience with an outstanding super wideband audio quality (3D Symphonic HD) in …
Outstanding 3D audio quality for all your conversations, including conference calls and mobile calls. Wireless connectivity options for efective communications wherever you are. Maximize the impact of your conversations by selecting the accessories …
阿尔卡特ALE-400-阿尔卡特程控交换机|阿尔卡特电话交换机|敏迪 …
新款阿尔卡特朗讯ALE-400是一款真正的多合一手机,集成了最佳通信所需的所有视听组件。 作为 ALE-300 的老大哥,ALE-400 配备 4.3 英寸彩色 LCD 大触摸屏和 4 向方向键盘,可清晰显示基本信息并通过手机菜单进行直观导航。 使用 10 个上下文相关键和 3 个功能按钮智能地管理您的通话和音频设置,并直接访问您喜欢或重复的操作。 凭借桌面电话的所有经典功能,这款新型号凭借其创新组件提供了比以往任何时候都更加身临其境的声音体验。 这款手机支持通过耳机、免提 …
ALE-400 Dual Gigabit Ethernet Enterprise DeskPhone with Cordless Handset, Dual Stack NOE-SIP, 4.3 inch 480×272 color touch display, HD Audio, 2 USB-C, WLAN-Bluetooth. Ships without Network cable.
Alcatel Lucent ALE-400 - Téléphone filaire - 3ML27410AA
Découvrez le téléphone filaire IP Dédié Alcatel Lucent ALE-400 et naviguez dans son menu grâce à son écran tactile couleur !
歐科商業電訊 - Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise - ALE-400 - ABS T
清晰溝通:3 個麥克風捕捉聲音,同時減弱周圍的噪音, 圓柱條形音箱以 3 向播放語音,使房間中的幾個人能夠參與通話。 使用安全的 VPN 和 WLAN和音頻集線器 連接您的電腦或手機,隨時隨地進行通話。 通過點擊顯示幕接觸到聯繫人,並使用字母鍵盤在目錄中查詢,從而實現即時連接。 Copyright © 2020 ABS Telecom lnc. All rights reserved.
ALE-400 - Signal Identification Wiki - sigidwiki.com
2022年10月30日 · ALE-400 is an amateur version of the 2G ALE standard. It is adapted to the demands of amateur radio emergency traffic handling. ALE -400 was developed by Patrick Lindecker F6CTE. This mode was designed to be utilized in 500 Hz channels. It is an 8- MFSK system with 50Bd. For tuning, the center frequency is 1625 Hz.
Alcatel-Lucent ALE-400 Phone Deployed on the OXE System
2022年9月6日 · Overview for the ALE-400 Enterprise Series Deskphone used on the Alcatel-Lucent OXE system. This station can be deployed as a cloud station, as it is shown in this video, or as a premises station...