Alev Atak - Google Scholar
Alev Atak. Dr. Verified email at metu.edu.tr - Homepage. Econometrics Finance. Articles Cited by. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. ... A Atak, TT Yang, Y Zhang, Q Zhou. Econometric Theory 41 (1), 123-170, 2025. 4: 2025: A semiparametric panel model for climate change in the United Kingdom.
Alev ATAK | Assistant Professor, Year 2 Programme Leader | MRes …
Alev ATAK, Assistant Professor, Year 2 Programme Leader | Cited by 47 | of City, University of London, London | Read 4 publications | Contact Alev ATAK
Alev Atak - Middle East Technical University
Alev Atak. İletişim. E-posta: [email protected]: Telefon +90 312 210 3035: Ofis: A 006: Eğitim. Doktora: Cornell University / Queen Mary, University of London, School of Economics and Finance, Economics: Yüksek Lisans: London School of Economics and Political Science, Master of Research Finance and Economics:
Alev Atak at City, University London - Rate My Professors
Alev Atak is a professor in the Economics department at City, University London - Northampton Square - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Alev Atak (0000-0002-2319-9193) - ORCID
Alev Atak expand_more. Works (7) sort Sort. Beyond polarity: How ESG sentiment influences idiosyncratic volatility in the Turkish stock market. Borsa Istanbul Review 2024 | Journal article DOI: 10.1016/J.BIR.2024.11.003 Contributors: Alev Atak Show more detail. Source: ...
Avesis Araştırma Alanları: Ekonometri, Finans Ekonomisi, Yapay Zeka, Bilgisayarda Öğrenme ve Örüntü Tanıma
V. RAteafkleAx.iivittyAnalysisofDigitallCurencieswithaSemiparramettrricHawwkeessProces ED2u0erp2o1apr,etpmapne.1En-t1co8onfoEcmoincsomanicdsF,Cinitayn ...
Alev Atak - Türkiye | Profesyonel Profil - LinkedIn
Alev Atak adlı kullanıcının tam profilini görüntülemek için oturum açın
EDHuearpzoiarpraetnma2neE0n2tc1oo,nfsoEscm.1oi-nc1so8manicdsF,Cinitayn,UcenSivoecriesittyyoNifnLeotendnotnhaAnndnFuaelrEnUEFnSivCerosnifteätreHnacgeeonn ...
Dr Alev Atak | City University London | United Kingdom
Dr Atak received her PhD from Queen Mary, University of London and her MRes Finance and Economics from LSE. Dr Atak's research agenda focuses on financial econometrics, with a special interest in the econometric analysis of high frequency data, volatility estimation, inference for point processes and microstructure of financial markets.