艾历克斯·墨瑟 - 百度百科
亚历克斯·墨瑟(Alex Mercer),全名Alexander J Mercer,代号Zeus,游戏《虐杀原形》系列中的角色。在《虐杀原形》中为主角,在《虐杀原形2》中作为最大反派角色成为第二代主角詹姆斯·海勒的敌人,并在第二部结局中被詹姆斯打败吸收,后四散的乌鸦全部聚拢, 成为了亚历克斯·墨 …
亚历克斯·墨瑟 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
黑色守望特工:Mercer·Alex·J,父母离异,一兄长,哥伦比亚大学的--遗传学博士,受雇与Gentek制定的特别计划,副主任级教授:保密局 A级权限 具体报告:麦克马伦·雷蒙德主任,目前状况:所分配代号为Zeus,我们的第一目标,在纽约释放黑光病毒的责任人 ...
Alex Mercer - Prototype Wiki
Alex Mercer, also known by his Blackwatch codename Zeus, is the protagonist of Prototype and the main antagonist of Prototype 2. He was the former head researcher of the Blacklight Project at Gentek. After learning that those affiliated with the project were being systematically murdered, Mercer attempted to flee the city with a sample of his research contained in a vial. Cornered at ...
Alex Mercer | 虐杀原型 维基 | Fandom
Dana Mercer在Heller的请求下加入了他的阵营,他们两个试图找到Heller那个被关起来但还活着的女儿Maya。但是当Heller到了那个地方,Sabrina Galloway把他的女儿带给了Alex Mercer。Alex将Dana和Maya关进了一个银行的地窖里。 离开之前,Dana告诉Alex她真正的哥哥已经死了。
Alex•Mercer的相关资料 - 哔哩哔哩
Alex的服装. 别称:Alex,Zeus,造物主. 职业:会随着被吞噬者的伪装而改变职业,职业有多种多样,下至扫地工,上至黑色守望总司令官,但没有伪装之前,则是一个无业游民。 国籍:美利坚合众国. 出生地:纽约市-曼哈顿区. 亲人:Peter Parker(毒液)
Dr. Alexander J. Mercer | Prototype Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Alex Mercer, as shown in a photo on Randall's desk. Dr. Alexander "Alex" J. Mercer is the human host and original identity of the eponymous Prototype who used to be the former head researcher of the Blacklight project at Gentek.After learning that those affiliated with the project were being systematically murdered, Mercer attempted to flee the city with a sample of his research contained ...
Alex Mercer - Villains Wiki
Alex Mercer is the main protagonist of the 2009 video game Prototype and the main antagonist of the 2012 sequel Prototype 2.Initially being an anti-heroic protagonist who gained his powers from an experimental bioweapon after he died as a human, Mercer eventually ended up losing all of his faith in humanity and is now intended on infecting all of mankind by releasing the Blacklight Virus.
Alex Mercer - VS Battles Wiki
Summary. Alex Mercer is the protagonist of the first Prototype video game, a man who wakes up in the GENTEK morgue with bizarre and horrifying powers and no knowledge of events prior to that point, aside from his name and that he was once a scientist. Confused, enraged, and determined to reclaim his past, he sets out to do so by hunting down his old colleagues.
虐杀原形2中的alex mercer是什么(alex mercer被吸收后的遗言 …
2024年7月24日 · Alex Mercer,全名Alexander·J·Mercer,译名艾历克斯·墨瑟,游戏中代号Zeus, 是游戏《Prototype(虐杀原形)》的主角。在《Prototype2》中作为最大反派角色成为第二代主角James Heller的敌人,并在第二部结局中被James打败吸收。
Alex Mercer (Prototype) vs Santa Claus (Chainsaw Man)
2023年9月5日 · Posted by u/Yusuf_ibn_Joestar - No votes and 1 comment