Alex Wilder (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Alex Wilder was resurrected by Daimon Hellstrom, the Son of Satan to guide Nico during her transition into the Masters of Evil and to help her cope with her increased dark magical powers.
Alex Wilder - Wikipedia
Alex Wilder is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is introduced in the series Runaways. Alex Wilder was portrayed by Rhenzy Feliz in the Hulu television series Runaways, …
Alex Wilder | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
Alex Wilder is the son of Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder. Upon reuniting with his childhood friends, they discovered that their parents used PRIDE to cover up ceremonial sacrifices of the Church of Gibborim. Wilder put his strategizing and hacking skills into practice. He teamed up with his friends and formed the Runaways.
亚历克斯·怀尔德 - 百度百科
亚历克斯·怀尔德(Alex Wilder)是美国漫威漫画旗下人物,初次登场于《离家童盟》(Runaways)第1期(2003年7月),由布莱恩·K·沃恩和亚德里安·阿尔方联合创造,是离家童盟(Runaways)成员。
Alex Wilder In Comics Powers, Enemies, History | Marvel
Initially, Alex Wilder does not exhibit any super powers, but does possess an expert's ability to manipulate and plan, in addition to his incredible intelligence. A tactical genius, Alex quickly becomes leader of the Runaways and conducts them …
Alex Wilder | Characters | Marvel
The intelligent and observant Alex Wilder is able to bring the Runaways together, despite not having the superpowered abilities or tech that his friends possess.
Alex Wilder - Villains Wiki
Alex Wilder is the main protagonist of the original arc of Marvel's comic series Runaways. Initially believed to be on the Runaways' side, it is revealed at the end that Alex was secretly working against them the whole time and was aware of the doings of The Pride .
Alex Wilder (Marvel Cinematic Universe) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Alex Wilder is one of the main protagonists of the Hulu tv series Runaways, and is the son of Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder. When he discovers that his parents commit ceremonial sacrifices alongside his friends' parents and cover it up by using PRIDE, he …
Alex Wilder (Character) - Comic Vine
Alex was the original person who stumbled upon the secret passageway that uncovered the double identities of their parents as the super villain group The Pride and...
Alex Wilder (Marvel) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Alex Wilder, also known as Doc Justice, is a fictional character and the overarching protagonist in the Marvel Comics series Runaways. He was created by author Brian K. Vaughan & artist Adrian Alphona. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Hulu tv series, he …