Pabinafusp alfa (JR-141) | 抗转铁蛋白受体抗体 | MCE
Pabinafusp alfa (JR-141) is a transferrin receptor-targeting antibody consisting of Iduronate 2-sulfatase and an anti-human transferrin receptor antibody. Pabinafusp alfa is blood-brain permeable and prevents heparan sulfate (HS) deposition in the central nervous system of mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) mice.
A Phase 2/3 Trial of Pabinafusp Alfa, IDS Fused with Anti-Human ...
2021年2月3日 · Pabinafusp alfa (JR-141) is a novel enzyme drug that crosses the blood-brain barrier by transcytosis via transferrin receptors. In order to establish its efficacy and safety, a multicenter, single-arm, open-label phase 2/3 clinical trial was conducted in 28 Japanese patients with mucopolysaccharidos …
新药Izcargo(Pabinafusp-Alfa)在日本获批上市,用于治疗MPS …
2023年11月7日 · IZCARGO®(原名JR-141)是一种重组阿糖醛酸-2-硫酸酯酶替代疗法(ERT),它依赖于JCR开发的专有技术J-Brain Cargo®,通过血脑屏障(BBB)提供治疗。 这是第一个通过静脉给药穿透血脑屏障的获批ERT,对于患有溶酶体储存障碍(LSD)(如MPS II)的个体来说,这可能会 ...
武田与JCR Pharmaceuticals合作,将亨特综合征下一代治疗药物商 …
JR-141治疗亨特综合征:已获日本MHLW孤儿药称号. JCR Pharmaceuticals近日宣布,日本厚生劳动省(MHLW)已授予JR-141(Pabinafusp Alfa)治疗粘多糖贮积症II型(亨特综合症)孤儿药称号。
JR-141是日本有史以来首个获批酶替代疗法(ERT),通过静脉给药实现跨BBB治疗MPS II。 JR-141通过将酶输送到身体和大脑,不仅治疗全身症状,还可治疗MPS II的神经病变表现。 2021年9月,JCR和武田宣布了一项以地理为重点的独家合作和许可协议,以商业化JR-141。 “继日本成功上市IZCARGO®后,在我们的全球3期试验中,首位患者给药JR-141对JCR来说是一个真正里程碑,我们非常高兴能将这项创新带给全球的患者,” JCR制药公司的全球业务战略和业务发展副 …
JCR Pharmaceuticals近日宣布,日本厚生劳动省(MHLW)已授予JR-141(Pabinafusp Alfa)治疗粘多糖贮积症II型(亨特综合症)孤儿药称号。JR-141是一种能够渗透血脑屏障(BBB)的重组异氰酸酯2-硫酸酯酶,用于治疗粘多糖贮积症II型(Hunter综合征)。
A BBB-penetrating fusion protein, pabinafusp alfa (JR-141),18 which consists of intact human IDS and ananti-human transferrin receptor antibody, utilizes transferrin receptor-mediated transcytosis. Its penetration across the BBB into the brain and resultant efficacy for the CNS have been demonstrated in preclinical studies,19 and a
Pabinafusp alfa | 2140211-48-7 | AbMole | JR-141
Pabinafusp alfa (JR-141) 是转铁蛋白受体靶向抗体,由 Iduronate 2-sulfatase 和抗人转铁蛋白受体抗体组成。Pabinafusp alfa 具有血脑透过性,阻止硫酸肝素 (HS) 在粘多糖病 II (MPS II) 小鼠的中枢神经系统中的沉积。
Pabinafusp alfa - TargetMol
Pabinafusp alfa (JR-141), a transferrin receptor-targeting antibody fusing Iduronate 2-sulfatase with an anti-human transferrin receptor antibody, penetrates the blood-brain barrier and inhibits heparan sulfate (HS) accumulation within the central nervous system of …
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Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Pabinafusp Alfa for …
Pabinafusp alfa (JR-141), developed by JCR Pharmaceuticals, consists of human iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS), the enzyme in which patients with MPS-II are deficient (Hunter syndrome), fused to the C-terminus of the heavy chain of an anti-human transferrin receptor (hTfR) antibody.
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