Alfa (rocket) - Wikipedia
Alfa was the designation of an Italian ballistic missile program that started in 1971 under the control of the GRS (Gruppo di Realizzazione Speciale Interforze). It was related to the Polaris …
Alfa - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Launch Vehicle: Alfa. Alfa SLBM project begun. - . Nation: Italy. The project for an indigenous Italian ballistic missile was begunby the Italian Navy. Officially it was called a 'technology …
Alfa SLBM - b14643.eu
Italy's former SLBM project "Alfa" The "Alfa " project for an indigenous Italian submarine- and ship-launched ballistic missile was begun in 1971. "Alfa" prime contractor was Aeritalia (now …
Italian Special Weapons - GlobalSecurity.org
Alfa SLBM. In the 1960s, many countries considered it essential to their safety to have a nuclear deterrent, and began working on nuclear technology.
Italian SLBM ALFA Missile - Secret Projects Forum
2024年3月9日 · did you have any useful information about the Italian SLBM Alfa missile? It was developed during '60s, when Italy had some nuclear ambition (see nuclare submarine project …
潜射导弹 - 百度百科
潜射弹道导弹(submarine-launched ballistic missile,SLBM)是指由某类潜艇发射的弹道导弹,是核三位一体的最关键一极。 现代化的该类型导弹大多具备搭载多目标重返大气层载 …
三叉戟II型弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
may02 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Launch Vehicle: Alfa. Alfa SLBM program cancelled - . Nation: Italy. Under US pressure Italy had signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty on 2 May 1975. Work on nuclear-tipped ballistic …
Italy - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Launch Vehicle: Alfa. Alfa SLBM project begun. - . Nation: Italy. The project for an indigenous Italian ballistic missile was begunby the Italian Navy. Officially it was called a 'technology …
Il primo elemento che si pensò di realizzare era il missile che doveva lanciare le teste nucleari, quindi nei primi anni '70 venne avviato il programma per la costruzione dell'SLBM (missile …