Scope & Activity Line Item Tree | FTA - Federal Transit …
2016年5月12日 · The Scope and Activity Line Item (ALI) Tree contains an inventory of Scope Codes and their associated ALIs available in TrAMS for application development. The Scope and ALI spreadsheet is separated into tabs by general Scope Code Series (e.g. bus codes are one tab and rail codes are in a separate tab).
Note that the Scope and ALI numbers and Standard Names cannot be modified in TrAMS. If you previously Entered 140-01, 140-A1, etc. you can no longer make such modifications. Tribal Awards: 990-nn is not in TrAMS. Use the appropriate Scope Code and ALI combination for applicable activities.
Federal Transit Administration Scope Codes Activity Line Items
2016年5月18日 · The Scope and Activity Line Item (ALI) Tree contains an inventory of Scope Codes and their associated ALIs available in TrAMS for application development. This is a PDF version of the Scope and ALI spreadsheet. Please contact your FTA representative if you have questions about which Scope Code ALI Combinations to use in your applications.
Eurycoma longifolia - Wikipedia
Eurycoma longifolia (commonly called tongkat ali, Malaysian ginseng or long jack) [3] is a flowering plant in the family Simaroubaceae. It is native to Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) and Indonesia (the islands of Borneo and Sumatra), [4] but has also been found in the Philippines. [5]
Award Management Requirements, Final Circular - Federal Register
2024年9月27日 · Activity Line Item (ALI) Tree Comment: One commenter requested that FTA update and streamline its Activity Line Item (ALI) tree, which is an inventory of scope codes and associated ALIs for which funds may be obligated in FTA's award management system (TrAMS), as part of the updated C 5010.1F.
Division of Forestry and Wildlife: Forestry Program | A‘ali‘i
A’ali’i is indigenous to Hawaii and is one of the few native Hawaiian plants that can endure fires. Seeds of this tree will survive and grow to the burned area, making it a pioneer plant. A’ali’i are early colonizers of lava flows.
‘A‘ali‘i - Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative
‘A‘ali‘i is a member of the Soapberry family or Sapindaceae. Occurring naturally from sea level to 8,000 ft. elevation, ‘a‘ali‘i can be found on all of the main Hawaiian Islands. This species is very abundant in the dry forests of Hawai‘i, occurring as a pioneer species (first …
How to Care for Ficus Alii | Ficusplant
The ficus alii, or ficus binnendijkii, is a very unique variety of fig tree that you probably better recognize as the ‘banana leaf ficus.’ This type of fig tree is a very popular indoor decorative tree that also has the ability to throw out quite a lot of clean, fresh oxygen.
Aalii - hawaiiannativeplants.com
2013年10月30日 · Description: A dense shrub (4-8 ft.) with small green leaves and tiny flowers that develop into star shaped papery seed capsules. These plants are mostly dioecious meaning that they’re usually separate male and female flowered plants, rarely they can be hermaphroditic having both flower types on the same plant.
Scope & Activity Line Item Codes (Excel) - FTA
2015年10月30日 · ALI_tree_March30_2006.xls (124.5 KB) Scope & Activity Line Item Codes. Last updated: Friday, October 30, 2015. DOT is committed to ensuring that information is available in appropriate alternative formats to meet the requirements of …