AMX-30 - Wikipedia
The AMX-30 is a main battle tank designed by Ateliers de construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux (AMX, then GIAT) and first delivered to the French Army in August 1966. The first five tanks were issued to the 501st Régiment de Chars de Combat (Tank Regiment) in August of that year.
AMX-30主战坦克 - 百度百科
AMX-30主战坦克(英文:AMX-30 Main battle tank [1]),是20世纪60年代法国研制装备的第二代主战坦克。 第二次世界大战 前,法国坦克设计只重视防护而忽视火力和机动性;到20世纪50年代,法国坦克转而重视火力和机动性而忽视防护,AMX-30坦克就是这种设计思想的产物 [2]。 该坦克装备一门105毫米线膛炮、配有720马力柴油发动机、全重36吨,具有较强的远射程火力和良好的机动性,而装甲防护则相对较弱 [1]。 AMX-30坦克于1958年开始设计,1960年试制成功两辆样 …
AMX-30主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AMX-30是一款由AMX公司和GIAT(现奈克斯特系統公司)研发的主战坦克,从1966年开始服役于法國陸軍,前5辆被交付给第501坦克团(法語: Régiment de Chars de Combat ),在冷戰時期是法國陸軍裝甲部隊唯一裝備的主力坦克,直至1990年代中期才逐漸被勒克莱尔坦克取代。
AMX-30主力戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
AMX-30 是一款由 AMX公司 和GIAT(現 奈克斯特系統公司)研發的 主力戰車,從1966年開始服役於 法國陸軍,前5輛被交付給第501戰車團(法語: Régiment de Chars de Combat),在冷戰時期是法國陸軍裝甲部隊唯一裝備的主力戰車,直至1990年代中期才逐漸被 勒克萊爾戰車 取代。 AMX-30承接戰後法國兩型中戰車以及 ARL-44 的設計。 雖然ARL-44是一型臨時戰車,他的替代型 AMX-50重戰車 在50年代中期引進 M47巴頓 戰車之後便被取消研發。 1956年法國政府參加了 …
AMX-30 Tank | Full specifications, history, operators & variants
The AMX-30 Tank is a generic name given to the AMX-30B, which was the main production model. It served with the French Army well into the 1990’s in upgraded models and was well exported. Its chassis/hull was used to form a family of vehicles ranging from engineering to nuclear missile launcher.
Main Battle Tank AMX-30
Designed at the same time that the German Leopard, the AMX-30 was France\'s attempt to provide its armoured forces with a potent second generation main battle tank, and the first French medium tank built since the late 1950s. The AMX-30 was a radical step forward of previous designs like the AMX-50/100.
AMX-30 - army-guide.com
The Mack E9 engines will first be installed in the AMX-30 B2 tank followed by some of the more specialised versions, including the 155 mm GCT and the AMX-30D armoured recovery vehicle. For the AMX-30 B2 application the E9 is rated at 552 kW (750 hp) and according to RVI is almost a direct replacement for the current Hispano-SuizaHS-110 engine ...
AMX-30 Main Battle Tank - inetres.com
The modernized GIAT AMX Super 30 has improved mobility, firepower, and logistics support. It has a new diesel engine, automatic transmission, and cooling system. Other improvements include a laser rangefinder, halon fire extinguishing system, new turret electric rotary joint, new fuel tanks, improved torsion bars, bump stops, and shock absorbers.
2020年10月4日 · 跑得飞快的30原. 火力. 在火力方面,amx-30原凭借其本就超高的dpm,在口粮与输弹机、兄弟连的加持下 装填时间能达到7.03s ;0.14/0.12的车体/炮塔扩圈系数也还算可以;(现在的豹一原型扩圈系数是0.16/0.1) 248/300/53mm的穿深 与8度俯角虽然算不上同级顶尖水平,但 …
The AMX 30, AMX 32, and AMX 10 series of vehicles
The «high-firing rate» 155 mm self-propelled gun is mounted on an AMX 30 chassis assembly and designed to provide continuous indirect-fire of the artillery support for the units of the field forces. Its mobility, even in a nuclear environment, equates that of tanks and its response to any firing instruction is extremely prompt.