Protein Symmetry - RCSB PDB
2024年6月25日 · The Protein Symmetry Browser combines two different ways of organizing assemblies in the PDB - level of symmetry and type of symmetry operation. You can search for a specific type of point symmetry by its Schoenflies symbol (e.g., Cn, Dn, T, O, or I) or by helical symmetry H. Learn more about Schoenflies symbols .
A lesson in symmetry - Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
2024年11月27日 · For proteins, it is estimated that ~40% of the structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB; https://www.rcsb.org/), which contains more than 220,000 structures of biological...
4.7.3: Tertiary, Quaternary, and Symmetrical Structures
2025年1月17日 · It is sometimes difficult to determine the actual biological structure and its symmetry from the crystal structure, given the artificial packing of the protein in the crystal state. Also, other than for icosahedral virus assemblies, there aren't that many examples of proteins that show tetrahedral, octahedral, and dodecahedral symmetries.
Exploring protein symmetry at the RCSB Protein Data Bank
2022年9月9日 · After a short introduction, we will devote the bulk of this article to describing tools at the Research Collaboratory for Structural Biology (RCSB) Protein Data Bank (PDB) for finding, visualizing, analyzing, and exploring aspects of symmetry within the PDB archive of more than 190 000 experimentally determined, atomic-level 3D structures of bio...
Packing topology in crystals of proteins and small molecules: a ...
2017年10月16日 · All protein crystal structures were taken from the Protein Data Bank 6, 7, according to the following criteria. We discarded structures containing nucleic acids and structures with an...
Unit cell: The smallest and most symmetric parallelepiped in the crystal lattice that by repetition in three dimensions describes the crystal. The object appears identical if rotated about an axis by a = 360/n = 2p/n degrees. The only allowed n-fold axes for crystal lattices are n = 1,2,3,4,6 since lattices must be space filling.
Models of protein–ligand crystal structures: trust, but verify
X-ray crystallography provides the most accurate models of protein–ligand structures. These models serve as the foundation of many computational methods including structure prediction, molecular modelling, and structure-based drug design.
One of the most puzzling observations in protein crystallography is that the various space group symmetries occur with striking non-uniformity. Molecular dose-packing has been invoked to explain...
From Solution to Crystal: Mastering Protein Crystallization
In conclusion, protein crystallization is a crucial step in determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins, involving a complex process from solution preparation to crystal optimization. Various factors, including solution conditions, temperature, pH, and additives, influence crystal growth, and optimizing these parameters is essential ...
Principles and characteristics of biological assemblies in ...
2019年4月1日 · Biological assemblies are the most biologically relevant structures present in experimentally determined protein structures. They can be defined by their stoichiometry, symmetry, and the protein-protein interfaces present in an assembly. In crystal structures, these assemblies must be distinguished from crystal contacts.