OLL Algorithms - CFOP SpeedSolving OLL #57 Cases
There are 57 different OLL variations, therefore needed 57 different algorithms to learn in order to complete the OLL step in just 1 algorithm. It is best to start with 2 look OLL and navigate your way around the full OLL (Learn 2 Look OLL). The algorithms are divided into groups based on the "shapes" they form on the U face.
Algorithms - J Perm
Each selected case appears with the same probability as in a real solve. Due to randomness, some cases may appear very often, or rarely appear. Use this to only practice the algorithms you want to learn. It is useful to see both learned and unlearned cases to avoid mixing them up, especially if they look similar.
Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. It is recommended to learn the algorithms in the order presented.
OLL — Cube.Academy
OLL (Orientation Last Layer) is the third step of the CFOP method and has a total of 57 cases. Here I share the algorithms that I use for each case. Click on the case to see the finger tricks.
OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) - CFOP - Cubing Cheat Sheet
Collection of OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) CFOP method algorithms. Digital cheat sheet tutorial on how to solve 3x3x3 Rubik's cube. Solution for 3x3 magic cube and speedcube puzzle.
OLL - Speed Cube Database
Algorithms for OLL
完整1LLL/ALL公式 - 百度贴吧
1LLL就是one look of last layer,即无论有无顶层十字,一步解决最后一层,同时跳o与跳p. 也被称为ALL公式。 all last layer. 由于速拧选手会把镜像的情况用全新的公式,这样背3000多公式,并要一眼识别,感觉非常困难,但也接近了最少步,特别是petrus方法不用调棱色相的时候。 但对于只锻炼记忆力不追求速度的朋友,1212个公式几年时间还是可以拿下的。 百度文库还没通过审核,提交结束后再贴文库公开地址,现在只能是网盘。 现在有很多人在补充,整理这些公式了,随 …
[New] Rubik's Cube: All 57 OLL Algorithms & Finger Tricks
OLL stands for Orientation of the Last Layer. You do an OLL algorithm after solving F2L, and afterwards you do a PLL algorithm to solve the cube. ...more. In a world where you have to solve the...
OLL Algorithms - CubingApp
Orientation of Last Layer (also called OLL) is the third step of the CFOP Rubik's Cube method. CFOP stands for Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL. These algorithms are used to orient the last layer of the Rubik's Cube. That means if you start by solving the white cross, the goal of OLL is to get all the yellow stickers on top.
OLL Algorithms - CubeSkills
The OLL (Orientation of Last Layer) algorithms for solving the Rubik's cube with the CFOP method. These algorithms are used to orient all of the pieces on the last layer, once the F2L is complete. There are 57 OLL algorithms in total.