GE U20C - Wikipedia
The GE U20C diesel–electric locomotive was introduced by GE Transportation Systems as an export model in 1964. It was powered by the 8-cylinder 7FDL-8 engine. This locomotive is used worldwide with many variations and modifications.
GE U20C Data Sheets - The Diesel Shop
General Electric U20C; Data Sheet Information Compiled by: JEAN-DENIS BACHAND: New: 21 September 2007: Drawing by: Jean-Denis Bachand-Engine Builder: Cooper Bessemer : Engine: 4-cycle Model FDL-8T: Bore & Stroke: 9" X 10.5" RPM (Maximum / Minimum) 1050 / 400: Main Generator: GE - GT601: Horsepower: 2000:
南非铁路33-400型柴电机车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
南非铁路33-400型柴电机车 (英语: South African Class 33-400)是 南非 和 纳米比亚 境内通行的的内燃机车。 1968年至1970年间, 南非铁路 公司的115台 33-400 型 通用电气 U20C型内燃机车投入使用。 在1990年3月21日 西南非洲 独立后, 纳米比亚 铁路公司 TransNamib (英语:TransNamib) 接收了许多南非铁路33-400型柴电机车。 [1]
All U20C's on this site - rrpicturearchives.net
ALL 3838 : U20C 2500389: 2: 73867: ALL 3841 : U20C 1: 171276: ALL 3844: GEB U20C (2500395/1974.12) Ex Fepasa 3844: U20C 2500395: 5: 251848: ALL 3846 : U20C 2: 124105: ALL 3847 : U20C 2500398: 1: 141379: ALL 3848: ALL-America Latina Logistica: U20C 3: 121919: ALL 3855 : U20C 2500406: 1: 172297: ALL 3859: GE U20C (2500410/1975) Ex Fepasa 3859 ...
U20C series - Trainspo
Rail vehicles from U20C series. Technical details, quality pictures, people's stories.
ALL GE U20C #3863 - YouTube
Trem da ALL com a locomotiva GE U20C #3863,com 18 vagões vazios,procedente de Carapicuíba (zck),partindo de Amador Bueno (zab),com destino ao patio de Mairin...
loco-info.com - General Electric U20C
General Electric has been offering the U20C since 1964, which was primarily intended for use in developing countries with its low axle load and suitability for a wide variety of track gauges. According to GE's scheme, the model designation stands for the Universal Series, an output of 2,000 hp and three axles per bogie .
GE U20C – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A GE U20C é uma locomotiva diesel-elétrica produzida pela GE Transportation entre os anos de 1960 e final dos anos de 1990. Foram produzidas pouco mais de 984 unidades nos EUA, Brasil, Indonésia, África do Sul e Alemanha neste período, sendo muito utilizada em países em desenvolvimento.
Locomotiva U20C1 "Namíbia" | ferrovia: ALL - vfco.brazilia.jor.br
Desenho, medidas e características das locomotivas U20C "Namibianas" da ferrovia ALL - América Latina Logística. As locomotivas “Namibianas” são, na verdade, U20C (e não “U20C1”), construídas na África do Sul e importadas, já com quase 30 anos de uso, pela FCA — que as repassou para a ALL poucos anos depois.
U20C 1600mm — Trainspo
U20C 1600mm - diesel locomotive build by GE.