Review Article Review of hydrogen storage in AB3 alloys targeting ...
2016年2月9日 · AB 3 alloys offer promise of coming closer to satisfying important performance criteria than do the classic types, through tuning of their hydrogen absorption characteristics. Modification of the nominal composition by element substitution, leading to structural changes affecting all hydriding properties, is the most effective approach.
AB3 - Copper Alloys
Our AB3 copper alloy is valued for its high strength, machinability, and resistance to corrosion and wear. Learn about its uniqueness today.
Investigations on AB3-, A2B7- and A5B19-type LaYNi system hydrogen ...
2017年1月26日 · By studying AB 3 -type La 1−x Ce x Y 2 Ni 9 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) alloys, it is found that the LaY 2 Ni 9 alloy is a PuNi 3 -type structure and forms LaY 2 Ni 9 H 12 after hydrogenation, which excels the hydrogen capacity of LaMg 2 Ni 9 alloy under identical conditions.
La-Mg-Ni系AB3型储氢合金的微观结构及储氢性能研究 - 豆丁网
2024年4月21日 · La-Mg-Ni系AB3型储氢合金由于其优异的气态储氢容量、较高的放电容量高和. 活化速度快等优势受到储能领域的关注。 本文采用真空感应熔炼法制备了 (LaCa3)0.5- xMg1+4xNi9 (x=0-0.1)合金,分别使用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜和透射电镜等测试. 仪器分析了合金的微观结构和相组成;通过半自动MH-PCT测试仪对合金的气态储. 氢性能进行了研究。 对储氢性能表现最好的 (LaCa3)0.5-xMg1+4xNi9 (x=0.1)合金在1223. K分别进行下4h,8h和12h的退火处理,研 …
Prolonging cycling life of AB3-type superlattice alloys by …
2024年1月31日 · AB 3-type La-Mg-Ni-based hydrogen storage alloys are known for their high electrochemical hydrogen storage capacity. However, their practical application has been hindered by fast capacity degradation.
Structure and hydrogen storage properties of AB3-type Re2Mg
2018年12月15日 · In this paper, a series of alloys with chemical composition Re 2 Mg (Ni 0.7 − x Co 0.2 Mn 0.1 Al x) 9 (x = 0‒0.04) (Re: La-rich mischmetal) are prepared. The effect of Al substituting for Ni on the phase structure, hydrogen storage, and electrochemical properties of the series alloys are studied.
AB3 - BS 1400-1985 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
其他单个或其他合计 化学成分包括表中未指定值的化学成分。 只有在假定存在或在常规分析中,且有迹象表明其成分将超过规定值的情况下,才应进行分析。 ②可规定最大含铅量为0.1%。 注:数据仅供参考! 如有疑问,请填写"我要纠错"!
In this paper, a series of alloys with chemical composition Re2Mg(Ni0.7 − xCo0.2Mn0.1Alx)9 (x = 0‒0.04) (Re: La-rich mischmetal) are prepared. The efect of Al substituting for Ni on the phase structure, hydrogen storage, and electro-chemical properties of the series alloys are studied.
(PDF) Structure and hydrogen storage properties of AB3
2019年3月1日 · In this work, the hydrogen storage properties of a single-phase YFe3 alloy were improved by non-stoichiometric composition and alloying with Sc and Zr. Only the Y1.1–yScyFe3 (y=0.22, 0.33 ...
AB3 铜合金-化学成分-物理机械性能-冲击性能-全球材料网
AB3: 对应标准: BS 1400-1985 铜合金锭和铜合金及高导电性铜铸件规范 Specification for copper alloy ingots and copper alloy and high conductivity copper castings: 归类: 铜及铜合金: 标签: 铝硅青铜: 描述: 物理属性: 20~250°C平均热膨胀系数(10-6 /°C):18;15°C热导率(W/m.°C):45;15°C电阻 …
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