Jarod Alper - University of Washington
2025年2月17日 · I am a Professor of Mathematics and a Victor Klee Faculty Fellow at the University of Washington. I am currently partially funded by NSF grants DMS-1801976 and DMS-2100088. From 2012-16, I was a lecturer/senior lecturer at Australian National University in Canberra, Australia where I was a recipient of an ARC DECRA grant.
Hal Alper - University of Texas at Austin
The Alper Lab rewires cellular metabolism to produce next-generation biochemicals, polymer precursors, fuels, and pharmaceuticals. In doing so, we are addressing global challenges including sustainability, human health, circular bio-economies, and clean energy/energy security.
The Alper Lab
The Alper Lab strives to perform high-quality, reproducible research to advance science and provide significant benefit to the local community and broader reaches of society. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive, welcoming, and collaborative work environment where students and researchers from diverse backgrounds can have a positive ...
Alper - Wikipedia
Alper is a male Turkish given name. It is composed of the two words alp and er. In Turkish, "Alp" means "Stouthearted", "Brave", "Chivalrous", "Daredevil", and/or "Valorous". The second, er means soldier or male. Additionally Alper is used as an adjective for an ancient legendary Turkish commander; Alp Er Tunga who lived around 300 B.C.
Alpers Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Alpers disease is a rare genetic disorder that leads to dementia, liver failure and seizures. Symptoms usually start between ages 2 and 4 or ages 17 and 24. They may include muscle stiffness and twitching, lack of growth and migraines. Alpers disease is always fatal, but you can manage symptoms with drugs, therapy, nutrition and breathing devices.
Hal Alper - Google Scholar
Engineering for biofuels: exploiting innate microbial capacity or importing biosynthetic potential?
德克萨斯大学化工学院Hal S Alper教授关于“Engineering an …
2018年5月25日 · 本次研讨会旨在让大家了解在细胞中设计扩展各种功能, Alper 教授介绍了他的实验室中生产各种重要的产品如有机酸和油类化学品的最新进展,重点介绍了合成生物学工具,特别是启动子的构建和定向进化获得新的启动子等新技术。清华大学生命科学学院教授 ...
Home - Alper
Alper develops and manufactures through Printed Electronics, flexible heaters and polyester printed circuitry such as polyester film heaters, printed circuits and flexible sensors. These products are designed for a wide range of applications in different sectors such as Automotive and transport, Industry and Medical, HVAC, Ho.Re.Ca, Sensor ...
Howard Alper教授受聘第163期博雅大讲堂主讲人聘任仪式暨Alper …
加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大渥太华大学副校长、加拿大科学技术和创新委员会主席兼总裁Howard Alper教授,华中师范大学党委副书记覃红教授,学生工作部副部长李刁老师,华中师范大学创业特区华创俱乐部负责人丁玉斌老师,外事处吴和林老师,以及化学 ...
Alper羰基化反应_lper H - 搜狐
Alper羰基化反应 2018-11-26 07:00 邻位含有脂肪胺的卤代芳烃,烯基胺,烯基氮杂环丙胺等等和一氧化碳在Pd,Ru或Rh等催化剂催化下,进行插羰关环制备环酰胺的反应。