Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet - Wikipedia
The Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet is a light attack jet and advanced jet trainer co-manufactured by Dassault Aviation of France and Dornier Flugzeugwerke of Germany. It was developed specifically to perform trainer and light attack missions, as well as to perform these duties more ideally than the first generation of jet trainers that preceded it.
阿尔法喷气 - 百度百科
“阿尔法喷气”有E (教练型)和A (攻击型)两种型别,除法国装备教练型200架,德国装备攻击型175架外,该机还出口比利时、墨西哥和埃及 (由阿拉伯公司引进许可证仿制160架)等国,总产量达504架。 (4)典型武器:空对空导弹 (“魔术”,AIM-9);AGM-65“小牛”空对地导弹;Mk.81/82常规炸弹;折叠翼机载火箭吊舱;侦察和机枪吊舱;外挂式油箱。 [1] 两台"拉扎克"-04-C6 涡扇发动机,单台最大推力13.24千牛 (1350公斤) 。 也可根据用户需求选装最大推力为14.12千牛 (1440公斤) …
阿爾法教練機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
阿爾法教練機(Alpha Jet)是當時的西德和法國共同研發的噴射教練機項目,其各部份皆分別由德法和比利時共同完成: 德國:機翼外段、尾翼、後段機身和起落架艙門。
Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet is a light attack jet and advanced trainer aircraft co-manufactured by Dornier of Germany and Dassault-Breguet of France. Adopted by many air forces worldwide, the Alpha Jet continues to be widely used even after its …
阿尔法教练机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月8日 · 阿尔法教练机(Alpha Jet)是当时的西德和法国共同研发的喷射教练机项目,其各部分皆分别由德法和比利时共同完成: 德国:机翼外段、尾翼、后段机身和起落架舱门。
Alpha Jet A | War Thunder Wiki
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Alpha Jet: origins, characteristics and performance data
This training and tactical-support twin-jet tandem two-seater was designed for a program jointly run by France’s and Germany’s air forces. It was the first aircraft produced conjointly by Dassault and Breguet. Planned to succeed the Fouga Magister and the Lockheed T 33, it was undertaken in cooperation with the German Dornier Corporation.
Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet - Military Factory
2020年8月3日 · The Alpha Jet supports AIM-9 Sidewinder and Matra Magic II series air-to-air missiles as well as the AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missile. Additionally, the Alpha Jet is cleared to carry conventional drop bombs, cluster bombs, cannon pods and rocket pods across five hardpoints (5,500lb maximum load).
Dassault-Breguet/Dornier Alpha Jet A - Pima Air & Space
The Alpha Jet is a combination trainer and light attack aircraft designed by a consortium of French and West German aircraft designers. Design work began in 1968 with the first French aircraft flying in October 1973 followed by the first German aircraft in January 1974. Germany and France bought just over 170 aircraft each.
Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet & FMA Pampa - AirVectors
One of the results was the emergence of a new generation of jet trainers to replace such classic aircraft as the Lockheed T-33 and Fouga Magister. The two main rivals in this exercise turned out to be the British Aerospace "Hawk" and the Franco-German Dassault-Dornier "Alpha Jet".