Global Plastic Packaging Solutions for a Sustainable Future - ALPLA …
2025年3月3日 · alpla is a world leader in the development and production of innovative plastic packaging solutions. We produce innovative packaging systems, bottles, caps and injection-moulded parts for a wide range of industries.
2025年3月3日 · alpla是创新塑料包装解决方案开发和制造领域的世界领导者。 我们为众多行业生产新颖的包装系统、瓶身、瓶盖和注塑件。 身为家族企业,我们拥有悠久的传统,而且掌握最先进的技术。
Career at the ALPLA Group | Career at ALPLA Group
We give the best-informed people the opportunity to speak their minds: employees describe ALPLA in three words, explain what they don’t want to do without and provide sound advice for their new colleagues.
High Quality Packaging Solutions for North America - ALPLA …
Now, ALPLA manufactures high-quality plastic packaging solutions at 17 locations in the United States. At 1,550 employees and counting, ALPLA North America creates bottles and caps for the food, beverage, beauty care, and home care industries that …
Alpla - Wikipedia
ALPLA, otherwise ALPLA Group is an Austrian, international acting plastics manufacturer and plastics recycler headquartered in Hard, specialising in blow-moulded bottles and caps, injection-moulded parts, preforms and tubes.
阿普拉(中国)科技有限公司 - 紫竹国家高新技术产业开发区
阿普拉(中国)科技有限公司是由奥地利Alpla Holding GmbH投资设立的外商独资企业。 公司主要产品为塑料包装容器制品及其模具设计、开发与制造,主要为全球知名化妆品、日用家化及食品企业提供全方位的配套服务。
ALPLAIndustrial: Custom Plastic Packaging Solutions
ALPLA is a family-owned enterprise with more than 65 years of history. We plan our activities strategically and for the long term because we want our position as one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative packaging solutions to continue to be upheld by stable foundations.
生态 | Sustainability at ALPLA Group
能源在从原材料到塑料包装的生产过程中起着决定性作用。在 alpla,我们非常重视以负责任的方式高效利用能源。先进的基础设施是 alpla 开展能源管理的关键因素。我们的自有团队每年都会在选定的工厂进行工厂能源评估。在成功评估后,节约潜力约为 10%。
ALPLA Recycling | ALPLA Group
Welcome to ALPLA Recycling. ALPLArecycling stands for consolidated expertise in plastics recycling. The ALPLA Group first got involved in recycling post-consumer materials through a joint venture back in 2005. And it has steadily expanded its activities globally ever since.
Leading the Way for Sustainable Packaging Solutions - ALPLA
Company - ALPLA is a world leader in the development and production of plastic packaging solutions.