AN/ALQ-162 - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The AN/ALQ-162 CMS provides automatic radar jamming against surface-to-air and airborne intercept missiles that use continuous wave (CW) radar for guidance.
Air Force F-16s Are Getting Pylons With Built-In Missile Warning ...
2020年3月9日 · The ECIPS pylons carry the three AN/AAR-60 sensors, but do not have the flare and chaff dispensers. Instead, they also have an AN/ALQ-162(V)6 high-band radio frequency countermeasures system from Northrop Grumman installed. Typically, a Viper would carry one PIDS+ and one ECIPS+ to provide a mix of countermeasures capabilities.
美国现役机载电子干扰设备发展现状(一) - 360doc
2017年1月7日 · ALQ-162 (V)干扰机由发射机、接收机/处理器、用户数据存储器和天线模块组成,既可以独立运行也可以连接到其他机载电子战设备上。 该吊舱的特点为: l 独立使用,不需要雷达告警接收机。 l 自主工作,可编程频率搜索或干扰。 l 针对威胁等级高的目标,自主生成特定对抗措施。 AN/ALQ-165机载自卫式干扰吊舱(ASPJ)是由美海/空军联合研制的,其采用一体化设计,模块化结构,由计算机软件控制,可外场重编程,能对新的威胁做出自适应干扰,是一种 …
Overview — AN/ALQ-162 Shadowbox - Military Periscope
The AN/ALQ-162 is an aircraft continuous wave (CW) radar jammer developed by the U.S. Army and Navy. The system was initially intended to counter the Soviet SA-6 as well as later missile threats.
This manual provides instructions for operating and maintaining the AN/ALQ-162(V)2 Countermeasures (CM) Set at the Operator and Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) Level. The CM Set can be installed in several types of aircraft.
ALQ-162 (V) Shadowbox/Shadowbox II - Archived 3/2005: Outlook
The ALQ-162 (V) Shadowbox/Shadowbox II is an airborne continuous wave deception jammer that counters pulse-Doppler radars. It has been in service and received ongoing logistics support, though production has ended and only upgrades continue.
The ALQ-162(V) continuous-wave (CW), chopped repeater/radar jammer is small enough to be installed internally in an aircraft or in a wing pylon. The Shadowbox II added pulse-Doppler jamming, and was designed to provide an aircraft high-performance protection in a compact, stand-alone package.
Electronic Weapons: Let The Right One In - StrategyPage
2009年4月11日 · The ALQ-162 detects a wide array of radar signals, alerts the pilot to ones that are potentially dangerous, and can jam most of them. This is done using DRFM (Digital Radio Frequency Memory), which transmits back to the enemy radar a distorted return signal (which shows the wrong position of the ALQ-162 equipped aircraft).
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The AN/ALQ-162 is a compact, lightweight (40 pounds), countermeasures set that provides self-protection against continuous and pulse Doppler radar threats for both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
Royal Norwegian Air Force F-16s are equipped with the Northrop Grumman AN/ALQ-162 internally mounted deception jammer. In April 1998, Norway decided to acquire the Shadowbox II upgrade for the AN/ALQ-162. This will increase the capability of the baseline jammer to deny lock-on by pulse-Doppler (PD) and airborne intercept (AI) radar threats.