What does Alt+F5 do? - Dell
2003年11月18日 · I meant to press Alt+F4 to close a window, but I accidently pressed the F5 key instead. When I press the Alt+F5 key, it makes my screen flicker or go black, but it comes back again. I'm curious as what this key combination does. I thought this would be the best place to post my question since it did something with the video.
Latitude 5410: Keyboard Function Key Guide | Dell US
2022年12月19日 · Keyboard Shortcut Key Functions . The below table is a list of combination short-cut key functions available on the Latitude 5410 laptop.
alt f5 on a d600 - Dell
2004年12月15日 · Hi I have 2 Dell D600 I can't get the alt f5 to work on. One of our departments needs to be able to alt f5 out of one of their application. I have tried using a docking station with a re...
ALT+F5 key not working in MS Word on Latitude D600 - Dell
2004年2月5日 · I have a Dell Latitude D600 and cannot seem to get the Alt+F5 keys to work. When I press them in Word to close the screen down I get a quick black screen and then Word returns and nothing happens. ...
F5 refresh key & Alt F4 keys not working Latitude E6530 - Dell
2023年6月28日 · F5 refresh key & Alt F4 keys Do Not work. Latitude E6530. I feel like my issue is related to the fact that the F5 key also has an Fn for the touchpad. But I can't figure out how to fix. Problem was present in WIN 8.1 and also in WIN 10 after upgrade. Checked all of my Function keys for operation. Checked all of my Fn keys for operation.
戴尔计算机的 Ubuntu Linux 键盘快捷键参考指南 | Dell 中国
alt + f1: 打开应用程序菜单。 alt + f2: 通过在出现的框中键入名称来运行应用程序 : alt + f4: 关闭窗口 : alt + f5: 将窗口恢复到正常或以前的大小 : alt + f7: 移动当前窗口: 可以使用鼠标或键盘进行移动: alt + f8: 调整当前窗口大小: 可以使用鼠标或键盘进行移动: alt + f9 ...
Dellコンピューター対応Ubuntu Linuxキーボード ショートカット
alt+f1: アプリケーション メニューを開く : alt+f2: 表示されたボックスに名前を入力してアプリケーションを実行する : alt+f4: ウィンドウを閉じる : alt+f5: ウィンドウを標準または前のサイズに戻す : alt+f7: 現在のウィンドウを移動: マウスやキーボードで移動 ...
Guia de referência de atalhos do teclado do Ubuntu Linux para o …
ALT + F1: Abrir o menu de aplicativos. ALT + F2: Executar um aplicativo digitando seu nome na caixa que aparece : ALT + F4: Fecha a janela : ALT + F5: Retorna a janela para o tamanho normal ou anterior : ALT + F7: Move a janela atual: Pode ser movida com mouse ou teclado: ALT + F8: Redimensiona a janela atual: Pode ser movida com mouse ou ...
Latitude 5410:键盘功能键指南 | Dell 中国
以下指南列出了可用的键盘快捷方式以及它们在 Dell Latitude 5410 笔记本电脑上执行的功能。
Keyboard Shortcut Key Function | Dell US
2024年8月17日 · Learn quick tips to use shortcut function keys using the E3 series keyboards on your Dell computer.