Understanding Your Blood Test Results: ALT 60 and SGPT 139
customer: my blood test shows that my ast is 60 and alt is 70.this is the first time it has happened.do i have liver disease or what other tests do i need. PARVEEN Answered by Lisa, MSN, FNP-BC, CCRN in 12 mins 15 years ago
CMP shows AST 70 ALT 80 (Both triple what they were two months …
Customer: CMP shows AST 70 ALT 80 (Both triple what they were two months ago. Alkaline Phosphatase is 148. Alkaline Phosphatase is 148. Bilirubin 1+ in a UA and Urobilinogen 3.2 as well as PH of 5.5.
Understanding ALT Levels: Is 70 a High ALT Level? - JustAnswer
Customer: I have high ALT Liver levels sometimes (70 to 80) and normal the next (below 70), what causes this particular liver level to rise? I do take lipitor (40mg) for high Cholesterol and high Triglycerides, and drink red wine in the evenings, but I know there are (3) major liver functions on the blood results sheet, ALT, AST and GGT, what ...
I have an ast of 70 and an alt of 45, all other labs wnl. I have a ...
I have high ferritin 539.1, AST (SGOT) 70 high, ALT (SGT) 64 high is the ferritin number anything to be alarmed about? Dr. David Experienced and Compassionate Physician Trained in NYC Ready to Help.
AST 53, alt 70 what does this mean? Dizziness and nausea
The transaminases (AST and ALT) are widely distributed in the body, and in particular the liver due to the livers pivotal role in protein synthesis. Your values are slightly increased. This could mean a little cellular damage to the liver has occurred.
My ALT 101 and my AST is 70-How bad is that? - JustAnswer
My ALT 101 and my AST is 70-How bad is that? Dear friend, you do have elevated transaminases. There are many liver diseases that lead to elevated transaminases in the blood, although this does not always mean that the person is ill, and it is necessary to analyze other parameters (bilirubin, Gamma GT, albumin, alkaline phosphatase) and factors (diet, lifestyle, consumption of alcohol or ...
Laboratory test reported ALT 70 ; AST 50 - JustAnswer
Customer: Laboratory test reported ALT 70 ; AST 50 ; and Hematology everything reported fine except Mono Percent Auto 16.4 tested were ordered by nephrology the urinalysis report looked ok. The general chemistry test was ok except for ALT & AST
ALT 101 and AST 70: Understanding Your Liver Enzyme Levels
Laboratory test reported ALT 70 ; AST 50 ; and Hematology everything reported fine except Mono Percent Auto 16.4 tested DrRussMD | Internal Medicine--practice all of internal medicine, all ages, family, health, prevention, complementary medicine, etc.
Q&A: Causes of Elevated ALT with Normal Liver Tests? - JustAnswer
Customer: Hi there, I have ALT levels of 70 but all other liver function tests are normal except low protein of 60. Fibroscan wsa normal - Liver Stiffness Measurement of 4.7 kPa and no steatosis. Fibroscan wsa normal - Liver Stiffness Measurement of 4.7 kPa and no steatosis.
Is 56 high for alt? It was 70 until I changed my statins. I was on ...
The ALT result is not at all concerning and is normal. But the triglycerides may need to be lowered. I have seen many of my patients lower the triglyceride level with a good diet and with exercise.