1940's 1950's Altec 614 cabinet - HiFi Haven
2023年9月2日 · Started out liking the 614 cabinet style and how well the A808 horn pairs with it. Turns out there are multiple versions and dimensions out there. There is apparently a plan. However, it's for the more modern version, not the original as published in an Altec brochure. Altec's provided the external dimensions.
altec 614 for sale - eBay
Altec Lansing 602D Duplex 15" speakers. Matched Set. Pristine Condition. Get the best deals for altec 614 at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!
diy altec 614D 箱资料分享 - 『全频与多路喇叭』 - 胆艺 …
年前收了对ALTEC 601-8D 12寸同轴喇叭,按T版提供的614箱图资料选用进口桦木夹板(板厚度20mm)diy了一对614D音箱,效果不错,特把DIY资料贴出分享交流。 作为业余玩家选用justMLS+测量套件结合实际听音进行调整。
ALTEC 614 - ジュピターオーディオ
ALTEC の代表的なキャビネット614 の米松オリジナルBlack が入荷いたしました。 612の弟分と言っても良い存在です。 モニター系としてのパフォーマンスは612 を譲りであり、レスポンスも非常に良いのが特徴です。
Altec Utility Cabinets (612 & 614) - audioheritage.org
2003年6月11日 · i'm searching for a pair of original painted (silver/metal) 'Altec utility Cabinets' either '612' or '614' ... Can anyone help me finding those? Does anyone have pictures of them other than the ones on this website?
2023年8月30日 · You are looking at a very rare "ALTEC 614" Speaker Cabinet Single. This product was manufactured by ALTEC in the 1940s for very first prototype.
BUILD THREAD - Altec Mini Iconic - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2024年2月12日 · I commissioned copies of the original Altec 614. The plans you're likely to find online are the ~1970s plans for the Altec "utility cabinet" which is similar (and maybe better?) but not the same. I would have preferred the larger 612 cut for 15" speakers or better still, A7-style horn loaded cabinets, but apartment living requires some compromises.
DIY - Altec cabinets…episode 1, the 614 | HiFi Haven
2023年1月31日 · I would build two utility cabs, 614 and 612 and stick the horns on top vott style. I liked the way you could switch baffles for experimentation with other drivers, switch around the horns, etc. But, I’ve never built anything like cabs.
Altec 614 Bass Cabinet With Yuishi-Designed 480FL Wood Horns …
For Sale: Altec High-E Loudspeaker System, Altec-designed 614 cabinets built utilizing 1" thick Baltic Birch, with Yuishi-designed 480FL hyperbolic wood horns with Great Plains Audio 802-16G series 2 comp drivers. Finish on system is hand-rubbed violin french-Polish (shellac).
UTOPIA (ALTEC) 614- ジュピターオーディオ
ユートピア社製のaltec 614 米松箱が入荷致しました。 銀箱と言えば、612Aのサイズを思い浮かべてしまいますが、この614はサイズ的にもコンパクトで、日本の住宅事情にはぴったりと言えるかもしれません。