Altec Lansing Model # 820A, 1951 Iconic Corner Speaker
Altec Lansing 1951 Iconic 820A Corner Speaker System Includes: 821A, Mahogony Corner Cabinet 802C, Driver 16 ohm 30 watt 811B, Horn 2 - 803A, 15 inch Speakers N-800-D Crossover, 800 hZ Measurements: 42.25 X 47.375 X 30 inch 230 Lbs. Very good condition. Outside needs refinished or not, but the inside was not opened until I did to test it out.
Corner Speaker System 820A Speaker-P Altec Lansing Corp
Altec Lansing Corner Speaker System Model 820A. Mahogany Corner Cabinet Model 821A. Model page created by Franz Scharner. See "Data change" for further contributors. Here you find 104 models, 102 with images and 38 with schematics for wireless sets etc. In French: TSF for Télégraphie sans fil.
Altec 820A vintage speakers - pair For Sale - US Audio Mart
2022年3月13日 · Altec 820A consisting of - 821A corner cabinet; 802C horn; N800D x-over; and 2 x 803A 15" Speakers ( grey). Note: one cabinet has only 1 803A speaker. . In very good condition considering age.
最早期原装ALTEC 820A 家庭版 旗舰音箱一对 - Gzhifi.com
最早期的Altec 820A家庭版旗舰扬声器,原装美松箱体、H808号角配802B中音,双十五寸803A低音,N-800D原配分频器,全早期皱纹漆单元高端配置,灵敏度高易推,高中低平衡连贯性极好,声音表现十分全面。
Altec 820A Corner horn?? - audioheritage.org
These 820 cabinets are really striking in person. They are large and look even larger. They are graceful and elegant at the same time, with fine features and proportion. Altec never had many beautiful cabinets like JBL did, but someone did a nice job on the 820.
2023年1月16日 · 而Altec 820C则用上811B Horn,821C音箱,802C高音加两个803A低音。 匹配上要留意啊! 音色上Altec 820C比较Hi-Fi而频宽也较阔,但韵味,耐听和柔和感却及不上早期的Altec
最早期原装ALTEC 820A 家庭版 旗舰音箱一对 - 中山声辉古董音响
2010年5月22日 · 胆艺轩音响材料网 最早期的Altec 820A家庭版旗舰扬声器,原装美松箱体、H808号角配802B中音,双十五寸803A低音,N-800D原配分频器,全早期皱纹漆单元高端配置,灵敏度高易推,高中 ...
Altec 820A Mono Speaker For Trade - US Audio Mart
Classified: FOR TRADE - Altec 820A Mono Speaker. Appears to be all original and working fine.803A woofers,802B driver on H 808B horn,N 800D crossover.Dated 1951.The top woofer has had the dust cap changed but cone appears original.That woofer cone is also split from the bottom surround area.Very hard to describe the cabinet.A thick layer of clear lacquer or something has been brushed over the ...
1951 lansing 820a corner speaker system value? - audioheritage.org
I've just acquired an Altec 820A corner speaker system from my Grandfather. After searching for literaly hours on-line I can't find a definitive answer of the value of it. This is what I know about it:
ALTEC 820A ICONIC アイコニック 803B + 802C ペア - LA JAZZ
820AはALTECが発売した初の民生用スピーカーシステムで、 先の業務用「Voice of the Theater」システム群の技術と知識を 最大限に駆使しした作品、「Home Loudspeaker」です。 820Aの特徴はその洗礼されたコーナーキャビネット設計。