Alula-TREK kit - Dream-Flight
The alula-TREK is the latest version of the the world's most popular bird-inspired RC glider. The ultra lightweight and packable airframe is perfect for travel and exploration, assembling in minutes without glue! Whether at a a coastal dune, mountain ridge, or your local park- the only limit is your soaring imagination.
Dream-Flight Alula-Trek 90cm - Hyperflight
The Alula-Trek is the latest version of the world's most popular bird-inspired RC glider from Dream Flight. The ultra lightweight and packable airframe is perfect for travel and exploration, assembling in minutes without glue!
Libelle DLG kit - Dream-Flight
The Libelle takes RC hand-launch glider flying to the next level, building off of the global acceptance of the Dream-Flight Alula. Until now, this type of experience had been out of reach for many pilots for a variety of reasons.
Alula-TREK, EPO-DLG, wingspan 900mm - Hoelleinshop.com
The alula-TREK is the latest version of the world's most popular bird-inspired RC glider. The ultra lightweight and packable airframe is perfect for travel and exploration, assembling in minutes without glue! Whether at a coastal dune, mountain ridge, or your local park: the only limit is your soaring imagination!
Project: DLG Alula - RC Groups
2007年10月27日 · Many people, I am sure, have glassed an Alula, fixed a launch peg, and done many other modifications. I know Doug Montgomery made a nice scratch-built, bagged Alula-like plane. He used his own airfoils but I think his work was inspired by the Alula planform.
Dream-Flight Alula Hand Launch Sailplane Review - RC Groups
2013年1月8日 · The Alula was designed specifically with the side-arm launch method in mind, since this is a more effective way to launch a glider by hand. the forward-swept wing facilitates the side-arm launch method by aligning the launch point (wingtip) with the center of gravity.
【图片】新工艺 组装低价入门DLG 滑翔机“鸟”机 alula 200多就搞 …
很多人不熟悉飞翼形式的DLG的调整 ,特别做了调试的视频。 怎么不用3mm魔术板呢,表面比epp光滑,而且更耐摔,强度也更好。 前段时间也看上了alula,纠结了一下发现没什么时间整所以没入手。 不过价格的确是优势啊,没米的吧友想玩dlg可以看看。 顺带帮顶~ 新工艺 组装低价入..EPP泡沫是模型上常用的材料,EPP机翼表面粗糙凹凸感很大经过覆膜后强度大增表面也光滑了。 整体性能提高太多了效果令人很满意。 一套做下来200多就可以搞定。 起飞重量145左右发 …
ALULA DLG手掷滑翔机EPP无动力乐趣飞行长续航休闲980mm 翼 …
覆膜加强版alula 手掷滑翔机 咱都能玩得起的DLG 【翼展980mm】 高完成空机现货有 :透明副翼 透明黄副翼两种 可以在商品选项里购买! 185元包括空机 (机翼、副翼已经组装完成)、B7000胶、3cm纤维胶带、彩色胶带一卷(5种颜色红、黄、黑、桔、蓝任意选一) 。
Dream-Flight | Wind-powered fun since 1996
Dream-Flight has been creating forward-thinking RC gliders since 1996. Our goal is to develop unique aircraft that are pure fun to fly. Our passion is designing quality, affordable R/C aircraft that get more people outdoors to enjoy the wind and sun! ©2025 Dream-Flight. Goleta, California.
Is dream flight alula still worth buying? - RC Groups
2018年9月15日 · In case it fits your style, it might be worth mentioning that the Alula is fun (like, super fun) in light, to very light, to absolutely zero wind. It's so floaty and subtle and responsive once you nail the CG and trim. 50 second flights in totally dead air after the sun has set are more fun with this plane than makes any sense at all.