Americium-241 - Wikipedia
Americium-241 (241Am, Am-241) is an isotope of americium. Like all isotopes of americium, it is radioactive, with a half-life of 432.2 years. 241 Am is the most common isotope of americium as well as the most prevalent isotope of americium in nuclear waste.
镅-241 - 百度百科
鎇-241 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鎇-241 是 鎇 在 核廢料 中最常見的 同位素 [1],常用於製作以 電離室 為設計基礎的 煙霧探測器,又或作 中子源 使用 [2]。 鎇是一種可用於長壽命 放射性同位素熱電機 的潛在燃料。 鎇-241的來源如下: 锫-245 的 α衰變。 镅-241會發生α衰變,並放出 伽瑪射線 作副產品。 由於α衰變的低穿透度,使镅-241只會在被吞吃了或吸入了身體裡,才可能對身體構成損害。 镅-241在單質钚的濃度跟單質钚最初的濃度及取樣品的時期相關:年代較久遠的钚-241樣品會有镅-241的積存。 因 …
Radionuclide Basics: Americium-241 - US EPA
Feb 5, 2025 · Americium-241 is the most common form of Americium. On this page: Am-241 found in the environment is in the form of microscopic dust. When released into air, americium deposits particles in the soil and water. Small particles in air can travel far from the release site.
Americium-241 | Radiation Emergencies | CDC
Apr 17, 2024 · Americium-241 (Am-241) is a manmade metal found in the environment in the form of microscopic dust. As a dust or fine powder, Am-241 can cause certain cancers. Am-241 concentrates in the bones, liver, and muscles, exposing these organs to alpha particles.
Americium-241 - isotopic data and properties - ChemLin
Americium-241 is the artificial radioisotope of the element Americium, whose atomic nucleus has 146 neutrons in addition to the element-specific 95 protons, resulting in a mass number of 241: 241 Am. See also: list of Americium isotopes .
镅-241 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
May 21, 2023 · 镅-241 是 镅 在 核废料 中最常见的 同位素 [1],常用于制作以 电离室 为设计基础的 烟雾探测器,又或作 中子源 使用 [2]。 镅是一种可用于长寿命 放射性同位素热电机 的潜在燃料。 镅-241的来源如下: 锫-245 的 α衰变。 镅-241会发生α衰变,并放出 伽玛射线 作副产品。 由于α衰变的低穿透度,使镅-241只会在被吞吃了或吸入了身体里,才可能对身体构成损害。 镅-241在单质钚的浓度跟单质钚最初的浓度及取样品的时期相关:年代较久远的钚-241样品会有镅-241 …
Americium-241: Domestic U.S. Supply Available - Isotope
Mar 4, 2021 · Americium-241 is used commercially in smoke detectors and moisture gauges and is being evaluated for use as heat sources in radioisotope thermoelectric generators. It is also commonly combined with beryllium to make an americium-beryllium source for well-logging in the oil and gas industry to help companies gauge geological properties of ...
Americium-241 is a by-product of nuclear weapons detonations (decay of 241Pu) and is found in the environment due to the fallout of 241Pu from nuclear weapons testing. IS AMERICIUM-241 HAZARDOUS? The main pathways of exposure from Amercium-241 are inhalation and ingestion.
Americium-241 Half-Life, Decay, Uses, Smoke Detector, MSDS
What is Americium-241? Americium-241 is a radioactive substance that principally emits Alpha rays. It is one of the most important and useful isotopes of Americium or Am.