Conceptual design for a new heterogeneous 241Am-9Be neutron …
2019年11月1日 · Two different heterogeneous configurations of 241 Am- 9 Be source have been considered in this study: (1) single-rod and (2) multi-rod geometries. In both geometries, the exterior dimensions are identical to the well-known Amersham X.14 capsules format (code AMN.24) (Amersham/Searle, 1976), 55.3 mm height by 30.0 mm diameter.
Am-241/Be neutron sources for geological prospecting, moisture gauging, activation analysis, nuclear research, and for applications in oil well logging, contain a homogenous mixture of Am-241 and beryllium metal powder. N03 capsule Double-encapsulated stainless steel source; for oil well logging applications. ISO rating: C66646
Americium-Beryllium (AmBe) Industrial Neutron Sources - QSA …
QSA Global, Inc. manufactures Americium-Beryllium (AmBe) sealed neutron sources for industrial gauging and analysis applications worldwide. Our AmBe sealed sources are double encapsulated in stainless steel components and designed to withstand harsh industrial environments.
Recovery of Americium-241 from lightning rod by the method of …
2025年1月4日 · In this paper describes the recovery of radioactive sources of 241Am radioactive lightning rods using the conventional chemical treatment method using agents and acids to break down the slides. The 241Am recovered was as excitation source and alpha particle generator for analysing samples by X Ray Fluorescence, for fixing the stainless steel ...
Americium sources fixed onto lighting rods' plates. a new device, …
Between 1970 and 1980 Brazil experienced a significant market for radioactive lightning rods (RLR). The device consists of an air terminal with one or more sources of americium-241 attached...
This study aims to measure the real activity of sources of Am-241 radioactive lightning rods received for the treatment by the Radioactive Waste Management Laboratory (RWML) of IPEN in order to confirm or not whether the figures provided by the manufacturer meets the
Recovery of Americium-241 from lightning rod by the method of …
2013年7月1日 · In this paper describes the recovery of radioactive sources of {sup 241}Am radioactive lightning rods using the conventional chemical treatment method using agents and acids to break down the slides. The {sup 241}Am recovered was as excitation source and alpha particle generator for analysing samples by X Ray Fluorescence, for fixing the ...
Activity determination of the Am-241 sources from radioactive …
2009年7月1日 · This paper describes the methodology used to measure the actual activity of each Am-241 sources extracted from the radioactive lightning rods. The first step was to sample tens of Am-241 sources and carry out the activity measurements for further use in the system calibration.
(PDF) Use of Am-241 in RTGs - ResearchGate
2020年11月1日 · Am-241, which has a low heat release due to its alpha decay, can be used as a radionuclide source for RTGs. However, this nuclide can maintain a fission chain reaction and emits gamma rays as a...
In the past two weeks, SSI has become aware of a sealed Am-241 source that, most likely, is leaking minute amounts of Am-241. The leak test conducted by SSI did not prove to be as high as .005 uCi,, with the highest results of four