File Server - Amazon FSx - AWS
Amazon FSx makes it easy and cost effective to launch, run, and scale feature-rich, high-performance file systems in the cloud. It supports a wide range of workloads with its reliability, security, scalability, and broad set of capabilities.
Amazon FSx | 功能丰富的高性能文件系统 | Amazon Web Services
Amazon FSx 让您可以轻松地使用您的数据做更多的事情。 您可以将数据从本地迁移和同步到 AWS,并将其立即提供给各种集成的 AWS 服务。 您可以通过 Amazon FSx 文件网关和 NetApp ONTAP 的全球文件缓存提供的低延迟本地访问将数据存储在云中,为全球用户提供存储。
What is FSx for Windows File Server? - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed Microsoft Windows file servers, backed by a fully native Windows file system. FSx for Windows File Server has the features, performance, and compatibility to easily lift and shift enterprise applications to the AWS Cloud.
Amazon FSx Documentation
Amazon FSx makes it easy and cost effective to launch, run, and scale feature-rich, high-performance file systems in the cloud. It supports a wide range of workloads with its reliability, security, scalability, and broad set of capabilities.
Amazon FSx | 完全托管的第三方文件系统 | Amazon Web Services
使用 Amazon FSx,您可以按需启动和关闭文件系统。Amazon FSx 提供一系列固态磁盘 (SSD) 和硬盘驱动器 (HDD) 存储选项,使您能够根据工作负载要求优化存储价格和性能。
Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides fully managed shared storage built on Windows Server, and delivers a wide range of data access, data management, and administrative capabilities.
Amazon FSx | 機能が豊富な高性能ファイルシステム | Amazon Web Services
Amazon FSx ストレージは、メディアプロジェクトを時間通り、予算内で提供するためのスケーラビリティと、Linux、Windows、および macOS 環境から接続できる柔軟性を提供します。
Amazon FSx とは #AWS - Qiita
Amazon FSx for Lustre 機械学習や動画処理など速度が必要な高性能ファイルシステム; ミリ秒未満のレイテンシーや最大1秒あたり数百ギガバイトのスループットで処理が可能; Amazon FSx の特徴. フルマネージド型; マネジメントコンソールからすぐに作成でき、
Amazon Web Services – Introduction to Amazon FSx
2023年3月27日 · In this article, we will look into Amazon's fully managed native File Server service called Amazon FSx, and it is integrated with the rest of AWS. So what does fully managed mean? It means that you no longer need to manage the hardware or the software to provide File server services to your users.
Amazon FSx for OpenZFS 存储方案深度解析:邮件系统优化实践
5 天之前 · Amazon FSx for OpenZFS 存储方案深度解析:邮件系统优化实践 ... AWS 云原生存储服务实现弹性扩展、成本优化与毫秒级延迟。本文将深入解析 S3、EFS 及 FSx for OpenZFS 三大存储方案的技术选型逻辑,并通过真实压测数据和落地效果分享实战经验。 ...