Amazon River Dolphin - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on …
Amazon River dolphins are carnivores (piscivores). Their diet usually consists of crustaceans, fish, and crabs. Currently, very little is known about the mating system of these animals. Thus, the dolphins were thought to be monogamous, but recent studies have discovered facts, indicating other types of mating behavior in this species.
Pink Amazon River Dolphin - Facts, Habitat, Diet, Life Cycle, …
Diet: What Do Amazon River Dolphins Eat. Their diet primarily consists of fish, and they depend on healthy fish populations for their survival, feasting upon over 50 types of fish. They also consume shellfish, crabs, crustaceans, and even small turtles. Video: Feeding the Boto Dolphins
Amazon river dolphin - Wikipedia
The diet of the Amazon river dolphin is the most diverse of the toothed whales. It consists of at least 53 different species of fish, grouped in 19 families. The prey size is between 5 and 80 centimetres (2.0 and 31.5 in), with an average of 20 centimetres (7.9 in).
Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) - worldlandtrust.org
Much of their diet consists of fish, with over 50 prey species recorded. Fish are caught with their anterior teeth and crushed by the posterior teeth before being swallowed head first. Larger fish are torn apart before they are eaten.
Amazon River dolphin facts: habitat, threats, appearance, diet
Amazon River dolphins have one of the widest ranging diets among toothed whales and feed on up to 53 different species of fish such as croakers, catfish, tetras and piranhas. They also …
Amazon Dolphin - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and …
Of all dolphin species, Amazon dolphins have some of the most diverse diets. Probably because they feed in areas most whales and dolphins never have access to. They feed on at least 53 different species of fish, including croakers, piranhas, tetras, eels, and more.
Amazon River Dolphin (Boto) Facts - National Geographic
Into this seasonal sea, which remains for half the year, swims the Amazon river dolphin, or boto. Botos have the characteristic dolphin smile and, unlike their marine cousins, bulbous foreheads...
Amazon river dolphin - River Dolphins
The Amazon River Dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, Tapajos River, Santarem region, Pará State, Brazilian Amazon. © WWF-Brazil / Adriano Gambarini Diet Amazon river dolphins are the only dolphin species that have the equivalent of molar teeth, much like humans do.
What Does The Amazon River Dolphin Eat - [Vet Explains Pets]
Here are some of the animals that the Amazon River Dolphin may eat: 1. Fish: Fish make up a large part of the Amazon River Dolphin's diet. These dolphins are skilled hunters and use echolocation to locate their prey in murky waters. They feed on a variety of fish species, including catfish, piranhas, and tetras. 2.
Amazon River Dolphin Facts, Pictures & Information For Kids …
2018年4月4日 · Amazon river dolphin facts, pictures and information. This aquatic mammal lives in the Amazon River and its tributaries. On this page you'll discover how this rainforest animal lives, including: life cycle, diet, habitat, size, where found, threats & conservation.