AMC1200 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s AMC1200 is a ±250-mV input, precision current sensing basic isolated amplifier. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
The AMC1200 and AMC1200B are precision isolation amplifiers with an output separated from the input circuitry by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) barrier that is highly resistant to magnetic interference. This barrier has been certified to provide galvanic isolation of up. 10.
AMC1200-Q1 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s AMC1200-Q1 is a Automotive, ±250-mV input, precision current sensing basic isolated amplifier. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
在改图中,GND1与输入端之间没有短接,与datasheet上的图存在不一致的地方。 Demo板的原理图中如果没有短接输入端和GND1,是不是输入相对于GND1是浮地的? 如果这样如何保证其共模电压不会超过VDD1。 在datasheet的举例中,以马达为例子,已知为正负电源供电,采样电阻的一端共模电压为0,因而与AMC1200的地相连。 也为了更好的保证其共模电压为参考点。 而 …
AMC1200/AMC1200B Differential Isolation Amps - TI | Mouser
2011年7月5日 · Texas Instruments AMC1200/AMC1200B Fully Differential Isolation Amplifiers are precision devices with an output separated from the input circuitry by a silicon dioxide barrier that is highly resistant to magnetic interference.
AMC1200 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The AMC1200 is an isolated single-channel analog amplifier an output separated from the input circuitry by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) barrier that is highly resistant to magnetic interference. The AMC1200 is used in high-resolution measurement applications including current …
请教AMC1200应用问题 - 放大器论坛 - E2E™ 设计支持
2017年8月3日 · 亲,amc1200 in+/-输入口偏置电流比较大,且需要供电。噪音显然要大于直接连接。所以;噪音即有ic自己的因素也有幅值电源的作用。 对于amc1200,本是为电流传感设计,只要信号电流不过小,也是可以用作电压传感的。