Problems with ekf + amcl: particles cloud diverges - ROS Answers
2012年11月5日 · The output of the EKF seems to be nice, and if it's relevant publishes the position in UTM's. The problems start when I use the AMCL for doing the localization on the map. When I run the AMCL, the particles cloud begins to diverge, and then the localization is very poor and the move_base package can't make the robot move very well.
AMCL Tuning - ROS Answers archive
Hi, I have been struggling at tuning the amcl parameters. No matter how I tuned it the result is is not that ideal here. Below is my amcl config. I plotted the amcl poses into a path. Green is odom, red is amcl, blue is amcl_ekf. I understand that ekf has helped a lot in localising it but I would like to improve amcl too.
AMCL not update robot position - ROS Answers archive
2021年2月4日 · My next step is use amcl to locate my robot on map but Amcl Particales dose not change at all, even though i move my robot around. Any body please help me about this situation. And sorry because my English. Detail of trouble: Robot: build from my self. Lidar: RPLIDAR A1, running on jetson nano. System: Ros Noetic on Ubutu 20.04.
Standalone utilization of AMCL - ROS Answers archive
2019年12月5日 · The ROS integration seems localised to amcl_node.cpp. You should be able to mimic whatever that is doing with your own software and use amcl/src/amcl stand-alone (ie: without ROS). You'd have to provide the necessary sensor data to the algorithm and a map. Ideally you'd use the abstractions provided in amcl/sensors and amcl/src/amcl/map.
AMCL map->odom tf-transformation - ROS Answers
2012年12月6日 · I have a question regarding the tf transformation which is published by amcl. I'm working with a husky so i use the amcl_demo.launch file to start amcl. I build an tf tree for my lasescanner and the odometry of the robot. I'm using 2 static broadcaster for the transformations base_footprint->base_link->laser
how does amcl updates turtlebot's current location to move_base
I was reading up on ROS's navigation stack as well as amcl 's documentation when I realized from the stack's diagram that move_base does not subscribe to /amcl_pose , which amcl uses to publish the robot's estimated pose in the map. In that case how does move_base update the current localized pose of the robot ? Thanks
AMCL Issues with the kidnapped robot problem (tuning needed?)
2021年10月5日 · To launch the example above, just place all files in the same folder and run the command (make sure that you have the amcl and map_server packages installed. I am using the 1.17.1 version of the navigation stack on ROS Noetic, Ubuntu 20.04): LAUNCH_DIR=`pwd` roslaunch launch_amcl.launch
amcl crashing when recovery alpha values are set - ROS Answers
I am trying to set up AMCL for localization on my simulation and it works fine as long as recoveryalphafast and recoveryalphaslow are both set to 0.0. When I set recovery alpha fast to 0.1 and recovery alpha slow to 0.001, AMCL does not appear to work at all. /amcl_pose is in the topic list but all that is published to it is the initial pose ...
AMCL Particle Weights Are Always Equal - ROS Answers
2017年11月10日 · I'm driving the Turtlebot around the turtlebot_world Gazebo environment. I'm printing out the AMCL particle filter poses and the weights assigned to the poses, and when I drive around for a while (as long as 5 minutes), the weights assigned to the poses in the particle filter are all set to the same value (particle weight = 0.00196, for …
Localization(x and y) for RPLidar A1 (with hectorslam and amcl)
2020年1月15日 · Hi, i am relativly new to the whole ros and robot topic. I got a RPlidar A1 and what i want to do is to retrieve a x and y position (respectivly to the given map which i create with hector_gmapping as a yaml file). I already set up the workspace and installed the packages (navigation, hectorslam, rplidar etc).